Gazing Blossoms," a captivating interior painting from the "In Bloom" series, was showcased at the 2024 solo exhibition. This floral abstract artwork is created using a mix media technique of acrylic and oil, where rich, saturated brushstrokes form a highly textured composition, bringing a dynamic 3D effect to life. The piece celebrates the triumph of life and the essence of feminine energy, drawing inspiration from graceful female lines.
The background is a harmonious blend of grassy and uneven green shades, enriched by contrasting shadows that add depth and intrigue. In the foreground, vibrant red flowers take center stage, their delicate forms outlined by bold, contrasting colors that define the shape of the buds. The rich red blooms and vivid grassy greens create a striking contrast, making this textural floral painting a bold statement in any interior space.
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Acrylic, oil
5 Artist Reviews
Gazing Blossoms," a captivating interior painting from the "In Bloom" series, was showcased at the 2024 solo exhibition. This floral abstract artwork is created using a mix media technique of acrylic and oil, where rich, saturated brushstrokes form a highly textured composition, bringing a dynamic 3D effect to life. The piece celebrates the triumph of life and the essence of feminine energy, drawing inspiration from graceful female lines.
The background is a harmonious blend of grassy and uneven green shades, enriched by contrasting shadows that add depth and intrigue. In the foreground, vibrant red flowers take center stage, their delicate forms outlined by bold, contrasting colors that define the shape of the buds. The rich red blooms and vivid grassy greens create a striking contrast, making this textural floral painting a bold statement in any interior space.
If you would like more photos or videos of the artwork, just let me know please.
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Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes which are applied when the delivery reaches that destination.
I have no control over these charges and I cannot predict their amount.
You will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. Please contact your local customs office for further information before placing your order.
Acrylic, oil
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