"Frosted Window" is a captivating quadriptych art piece meticulously crafted by artist Olga Skorokhod. Comprising four identical pieces, this mandala-themed artwork is a visual delight in white, blue, and gray hues, reminiscent of a frosted window on a chilly winter day. Crafted with Neenah's Stardream Paper, known for its pearlescent shimmer, Olga utilizes double-sided sticky foam for depth, creating a compelling 3D illusion. Each individual piece measures 12x12 inches, contributing to the overall symmetry and balance of the quadriptych, which measures 24x24 inches in its entirety. Olga's exploration of composition and her use of luxury paper showcase her artistic prowess in creating an elegant and visually captivating artwork.
3 Artist Reviews
"Frosted Window" is a captivating quadriptych art piece meticulously crafted by artist Olga Skorokhod. Comprising four identical pieces, this mandala-themed artwork is a visual delight in white, blue, and gray hues, reminiscent of a frosted window on a chilly winter day. Crafted with Neenah's Stardream Paper, known for its pearlescent shimmer, Olga utilizes double-sided sticky foam for depth, creating a compelling 3D illusion. Each individual piece measures 12x12 inches, contributing to the overall symmetry and balance of the quadriptych, which measures 24x24 inches in its entirety. Olga's exploration of composition and her use of luxury paper showcase her artistic prowess in creating an elegant and visually captivating artwork.
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