"Caleta" is a surreal and captivating urban scene captured along the Spanish coast. In this photograph, the intense blue sky serves as a backdrop for a small white cloud, almost perfectly centered and suspended above the city’s horizon as if placed there intentionally, adding a touch of irony and surrealism. The modern buildings and palm trees along the beach create a geometric and colorful contrast, while the isolated single cloud becomes the focal point of the image, evoking an almost cinematic atmosphere. The composition conveys an urban calm and a sense of suspension, inviting the viewer to find poetry in the ordinary details of the city.
“Caleta” taken in Spain 2019
Print Size: 45 x 30 cm
Limited Edition: only 1 copy in the world
Signature: Yes, signed in verso
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes, signed & numbered
Paper Hahnemühle Photo Rag: the 100% cotton surface of the poster creates an extra-matte and soft character. however, the result is extremely sharp, detailed and convincing with a unique feel. The paper has a weight of 308 g/m2
"Caleta" is a surreal and captivating urban scene captured along the Spanish coast. In this photograph, the intense blue sky serves as a backdrop for a small white cloud, almost perfectly centered and suspended above the city’s horizon as if placed there intentionally, adding a touch of irony and surrealism. The modern buildings and palm trees along the beach create a geometric and colorful contrast, while the isolated single cloud becomes the focal point of the image, evoking an almost cinematic atmosphere. The composition conveys an urban calm and a sense of suspension, inviting the viewer to find poetry in the ordinary details of the city.
“Caleta” taken in Spain 2019
Print Size: 45 x 30 cm
Limited Edition: only 1 copy in the world
Signature: Yes, signed in verso
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes, signed & numbered
Paper Hahnemühle Photo Rag: the 100% cotton surface of the poster creates an extra-matte and soft character. however, the result is extremely sharp, detailed and convincing with a unique feel. The paper has a weight of 308 g/m2
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