The overwhelming perspective of a passerby before the imposing prow of a colossus of the sea. "Keep me, Lord, for your ocean is very big and my ship very small." A navigator said in his prayer. He was not referring to this giant. The manganese blue phthalo of the sky that transforms into turquoise in the water of the Greek harbor and both combine in the lights that transmit to the hull.
If you are interested in this work, you can ask the artist to send new photographs or videos about it.
The painting is shipped packaged in a solid wooden box and with interior protection.
La abrumadora perspectiva de un paseante ante la imponente proa de un coloso del mar. " Guardame Señor que tu oceano es muy grande y muy pequeño mi barco." Decia un navegante en su oración. No se referia a este gigante. El azul de manganeso ftalo del cielo que se transforma en turquesa en el agua del puerto griego y ambos se combinan en las luces que transmiten al casco.
Canvas on wooden frame.
The overwhelming perspective of a passerby before the imposing prow of a colossus of the sea. "Keep me, Lord, for your ocean is very big and my ship very small." A navigator said in his prayer. He was not referring to this giant. The manganese blue phthalo of the sky that transforms into turquoise in the water of the Greek harbor and both combine in the lights that transmit to the hull.
If you are interested in this work, you can ask the artist to send new photographs or videos about it.
The painting is shipped packaged in a solid wooden box and with interior protection.
La abrumadora perspectiva de un paseante ante la imponente proa de un coloso del mar. " Guardame Señor que tu oceano es muy grande y muy pequeño mi barco." Decia un navegante en su oración. No se referia a este gigante. El azul de manganeso ftalo del cielo que se transforma en turquesa en el agua del puerto griego y ambos se combinan en las luces que transmiten al casco.
Canvas on wooden frame.
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