"Duality" is a captivating series inspired by the unseen, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Each print in this collection is created using a unique technique I developed, resulting in a texture that is both special and magnificent. This series features twelve distinct prints, presented in a luxurious portfolio box.
Limited Editions:
Portfolio Box 12 prints: Only 3 editions available.
Pair Sets: Only 7 editions available.
The price listed is for a pair of prints, as they are exclusively sold in pairs. The size list is individual print. This exclusive offering ensures that each piece remains a rare and treasured part of your collection. Embrace the unseen with "Duality" and experience the extraordinary.
BFK Rives paper, ink
"Duality" is a captivating series inspired by the unseen, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Each print in this collection is created using a unique technique I developed, resulting in a texture that is both special and magnificent. This series features twelve distinct prints, presented in a luxurious portfolio box.
Limited Editions:
Portfolio Box 12 prints: Only 3 editions available.
Pair Sets: Only 7 editions available.
The price listed is for a pair of prints, as they are exclusively sold in pairs. The size list is individual print. This exclusive offering ensures that each piece remains a rare and treasured part of your collection. Embrace the unseen with "Duality" and experience the extraordinary.
BFK Rives paper, ink
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