"Crane Picnic" presents a captivating, surreal depiction of the artist's husband and his multifaceted persona. As he yearns for social interaction, he simultaneously finds tranquility in solitude, taking pleasure in the simple act of applying sunscreen under the sun's warm embrace. His vivid imagination conjures up the presence of three cranes, which gracefully gather around the picnic blanket, symbolizing unconditional love, devotion, and good fortune. These ethereal creatures weave a tapestry of companionship that harmoniously complements his serene and introspective nature.
raw canvas, acrylics, hand-dyed cotton thread
1 Artist Reviews
"Crane Picnic" presents a captivating, surreal depiction of the artist's husband and his multifaceted persona. As he yearns for social interaction, he simultaneously finds tranquility in solitude, taking pleasure in the simple act of applying sunscreen under the sun's warm embrace. His vivid imagination conjures up the presence of three cranes, which gracefully gather around the picnic blanket, symbolizing unconditional love, devotion, and good fortune. These ethereal creatures weave a tapestry of companionship that harmoniously complements his serene and introspective nature.
raw canvas, acrylics, hand-dyed cotton thread
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