And again into battle, our one day off. On this day, they wrote a day motive. While they were writing, a terrible beast crept up to Volodya, unnoticed from behind. I cautiously, in a low voice, informed Volodya that he was behind, they say, be careful! Vladimir did not expect, and he jumped as much, and the terrible beast also jumped up and ran into the bushes. The day before we were told that snakes live here ... A terrible beast is a kitten.
2021 Personal exhibition "Where does the Motherland begin" Chamzinka Museum of History and Local Lore. The Republic of Mordovia.
And again into battle, our one day off. On this day, they wrote a day motive. While they were writing, a terrible beast crept up to Volodya, unnoticed from behind. I cautiously, in a low voice, informed Volodya that he was behind, they say, be careful! Vladimir did not expect, and he jumped as much, and the terrible beast also jumped up and ran into the bushes. The day before we were told that snakes live here ... A terrible beast is a kitten.
2021 Personal exhibition "Where does the Motherland begin" Chamzinka Museum of History and Local Lore. The Republic of Mordovia.
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