"Charming Roses" is an oil on canvas masterpiece featuring rich texture, crafted by the talented artist Jaroszewska Joanna, also known as Jarowska, within our studio. With an extensive portfolio spanning over two decades, Jarowska has showcased her work in more than 50 exhibitions. Her current collection showcases contemporary floral paintings, characterized by their freely executed style, vibrant movement, and captivating use of color. Inspired by her travels throughout Spain and Italy, Jaroszewska infuses each piece with an inviting palette that stimulates the senses.
Rest assured, the painting has been meticulously stretched by an experienced professional. Shipping costs are set by default; however, please reach out to us for accurate shipping costs tailored to your specific location if you're interested in acquiring this artwork.
oil paints
3 Artist Reviews
"Charming Roses" is an oil on canvas masterpiece featuring rich texture, crafted by the talented artist Jaroszewska Joanna, also known as Jarowska, within our studio. With an extensive portfolio spanning over two decades, Jarowska has showcased her work in more than 50 exhibitions. Her current collection showcases contemporary floral paintings, characterized by their freely executed style, vibrant movement, and captivating use of color. Inspired by her travels throughout Spain and Italy, Jaroszewska infuses each piece with an inviting palette that stimulates the senses.
Rest assured, the painting has been meticulously stretched by an experienced professional. Shipping costs are set by default; however, please reach out to us for accurate shipping costs tailored to your specific location if you're interested in acquiring this artwork.
oil paints
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