Two workmen pause from their labour in a London doorway. It is a hot day in summer and they check their phones simultaneously. The work is rich in heat. The heat is palpable. The light is intense. The work is rich in satisfying detail. This colourful, cheerful work is a wonderful addition to any collection of London art. Texture has been added to create extra depth. The canvas is 0.5 inches deep and can therefore hang without a frame if wished
acrylic and card
140 Artist Reviews
Two workmen pause from their labour in a London doorway. It is a hot day in summer and they check their phones simultaneously. The work is rich in heat. The heat is palpable. The light is intense. The work is rich in satisfying detail. This colourful, cheerful work is a wonderful addition to any collection of London art. Texture has been added to create extra depth. The canvas is 0.5 inches deep and can therefore hang without a frame if wished
acrylic and card
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