Discover the captivating Metamorph series, which draws its inspiration from the decaying wood. Through a unique artistic approach, this collection breathes new life into the rigid and geometric casts of wooden pieces, creating a mesmerizing contrast of textures that invites you to explore the profound beauty of transformation.
Each piece in the series captures the essence of decay as it gracefully evolves into a new and intriguing life form. Explore the mesmerizing journey of metamorphosis within each artwork, where the interplay of textures and shapes unveils a captivating world of artistic expression.
Crafted with contemporary materials like acrylic plaster and resin, the wall art from this series is suitable for various settings, including potentially humid spaces like bathrooms.
This Metamorph V wall sculpture is featured by delicate tortoiseshell pattern and stunning complex blue, green and grey shade, making it a fascinating piece to examine closely.
Acrylic plaster, resin
Discover the captivating Metamorph series, which draws its inspiration from the decaying wood. Through a unique artistic approach, this collection breathes new life into the rigid and geometric casts of wooden pieces, creating a mesmerizing contrast of textures that invites you to explore the profound beauty of transformation.
Each piece in the series captures the essence of decay as it gracefully evolves into a new and intriguing life form. Explore the mesmerizing journey of metamorphosis within each artwork, where the interplay of textures and shapes unveils a captivating world of artistic expression.
Crafted with contemporary materials like acrylic plaster and resin, the wall art from this series is suitable for various settings, including potentially humid spaces like bathrooms.
This Metamorph V wall sculpture is featured by delicate tortoiseshell pattern and stunning complex blue, green and grey shade, making it a fascinating piece to examine closely.
Acrylic plaster, resin
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