How To Write The Perfect Artwork Description

How To Write The Perfect Artwork Description

When it comes to selling your art, the more information that you provide in your artwork description the better! After all, this is where your customer will turn to learn more about your piece.

The best artwork descriptions on Artfinder comprise two sections: one detailing the inspiration behind the piece and another presenting the bare facts.

The inspirational bit

This component of the description will need to refer directly to the artwork at hand. There's no perfect formula for this, however it does need to be engaging! Remember that it should reflect you and your personality, as well as your enthusiasm for your work.

You may wish to mention the following:

  • What inspired you to create the piece?
  • What techniques did you use and why?
  • What does it mean to you?
  • What does it represent in terms of your artistic work as a whole?

Andrew Alan Johnson's artwork description is both engaging and meaningful, and conveys the joy that he had in creating the piece
Andrew Alan Johnson's artwork description is both engaging and meaningful, and conveys the joy that he had in creating the piece

Bear in mind that along with our usual criteria for excellent listings, we look for detailed and inspirational artwork descriptions for our Art of the Day email feature. So if you tick all of the boxes, you are more likely to be selected!

The factual bit

It’s worth spending a little more time on this component to ensure that you have every possible factor that the customer could wish to know. The good news is, though, that you can then copy and paste the same formula into each listing and tweak it to make it relevant to your artwork.

  • Materials used – include canvas type, materials used e.g. pastels or pencils
  • Dimensions – include these incentimetres and inches for extra clarity
  • Packaging - explain your packaging process. Will the work be packed in bubble wrap or rolled? Do you offer to ship artworks both rolled and stretched?
  • Delivery - expand on your courier and shipping times
  • Anything else to add? Maybe you want to encourage the customer to get in touch with you directly with any questions

Image courtesy of Marcel Garbi

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