Meet the team: Saskia

Meet the team: Saskia

Hi all,

Welcome to our ongoing Q&A feature, where we introduce a member of the Artfinder team to our community. This time, we speak with Saskia, our Support & Operations Advisor.

Q: Could you start by introducing yourself to our community?

Hello, I'm Saskia! I was brought over from Art Republic and have been working in Sales and Customer Support for both companies! I've worked in customer comms since leaving University and I have found my perfect sweet spot, mixing my love of art with helping people with problems.

Q: How long have you worked with Artfinder and what is your role in the company?

I've been at Artfinder for 5 months now and I'm in with the Support and Operations team and I was with Art Republic a year and a bit before that. We help both Artists and Customers with all sorts of queries - big or small we're here to help.

Q: What have been your highlights of working with Artfinder so far?

I really enjoy the hands-on approach with Artists, sometimes it can be a quick fix or advice or there's a puzzle to solve. I love my Art Republic family, but it's been lovely to join a team of people who are all so interested and eager to see how we can help the artist community.

Q: Do you come from a creative background? Do you engage in creative activities yourself?

My family are all very creative and I am named after Rembrandt's wife after my parents saw a painting of her whilst pregnant with me in Amsterdam! I find it hard to find hours in the day to be as creative as I would like, but I have been doing small lessons lately both at home and in person to try and get in collaging and drawing again. There's a great company in London who organise lessons around galleries and they strip it back to the basics of drawing which I've really been enjoying!

Q: What does working for a B Corp mean to you?

It's great! I try and be a eco-friendly as possible in my day to day life, and knowing that we are actively planting trees whilst sharing such beautiful art really makes me happy.

Q: What do you like doing in your spare time?

You can often find me on my own in an art gallery with a sketch book, or in a small plates and organic wine restaurant with my friends! I also love to travel, and see different inspirations in art around the world!

Q: The past few years have been challenging with world events such as Covid and the War in Ukraine. How do you look after your mental health when going through difficult times?

It's been a difficult time for everyone! I've found nightly meditations really help and trying to stay in touch with friends and family either in person or over the phone has kept me sane!

Q: If you could take only three items with you to a desert island, what would they be?

This is a tough one! I would like to have my headphones so I could listen to my audiobooks and playlists, but I'm not sure that's allowed, so failing that I would take a record player and my Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust record. I would have to take some snacks, preferably some Perelló olives or some dried mango. And I would have to take my parent's dog Barley Echo Dusty for some cuddles and something to talk to!

Q: Finally, do you have any message for our community?

It's been such a pleasure getting to know some of you, and I'm excited to meet many more!

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