Meet the team: Martin

Meet the team: Martin

Hi all,

Welcome to our ongoing Q&A feature, where we introduce a member of the Artfinder team to our community. This time, we speak with Martin, our Head of FP&A.

Q: Could you start by introducing yourself to our community?

Hi, I am Martin! I am part of the Art Republic team that was brought over to Artfinder. I work in Finance so I am very surprised I have been asked to try and use words instead of numbers - I will do my best!

Q: How long have you worked with Artfinder and what is your role in the company?

I joined 6 months ago and I am the Head of FP&A, which is a fancy way of saying I look after forecasting/planning, modelling and analysis.

Q: What have been your highlights of working with Artfinder so far?

Artfinder is much larger than Art Republic was in terms of sales, types of art, artists, international presence etc. Which means for someone looking into the data and numbers there is a lot more of it to play with and analyse.

Q: Do you come from a creative background? Do you engage in creative activities yourself?

In accounting "creative" at worst lands you in prison and at best is frowned upon! I would say I am your typical finance person without a creative bone in my body. Having said this, when I started at Art Republic I had zero pieces of art and in just a year, I no longer have any wall space free. Maybe there is hope for me yet!

Q: What does working for a B Corp mean to you?

If you asked me this before I joined I probably would have said something along the lines of it just being some marketing spin. However it has been amazing to be around colleagues who are so passionate about it and it rubs off on you. It really should be the norm and not the exception.

Q: What do you like doing in your spare time?

I have a newborn baby so I am not sure what spare time is? Before then I was a professional couch potato and have completed Netflix and watch all the live sport I can. I also play some golf but this is less about the golf and more about being outside with friends (with the promise of a pint afterwards).

Q: The past few years have been challenging with world events such as Covid and the War in Ukraine. How do you look after your mental health when going through difficult times?

I am very lucky to not have suffered with bad mental health personally, but it is something I am very aware of. I support Movember (a men's mental health charity) every year by raising money with a very questionable tache which makes me look like an extra from "Narcos". Removing the stigma about mental health allows us to speak openly about feelings, which is crucial in difficult times, so you know you are not going through things alone. I am very lucky to have friends that will speak openly and be this support system.  I would describe myself as an extroverted introvert so I am trully at peace when at home with my family forgetting about the outside world for a moment. I also have a dog, Wilbur, which means I am out in the countryside twice a day walking which is a great head clearer.

Q: If you could take only three items with you to a desert island, what would they be?

My wife, my baby and my dog...are not items so they would stay at home. I was trying to think of something interesting but I am practical man. Sleeping bag, firestarter and a speargun. I know most people would be enjoying their favourite record or doing something profound but I would be living out my inner Bear Grylls.

Q: Finally, do you have any message for our community?

I come from a background of product based businesses with faceless suppliers, so it is amazing to see this community and it is what makes Artfinder different in my opinion.

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