Introducing Kate and Katie, friends who share a beautiful, red-brick Victorian home in Norwood, South London. Their love of bohemian, eclectic styling alongside a pastel colour palette make this house both calming and full of character.
Plus, they both have a love for a bold statement piece, which brings some fun and colour into the mix. "We work in creative industries, and I think that's reflected in our look. You have to be able to come home after work and feel like it's somewhere you want to be" says Kate.
Be Bold
“People think that you can only have big, bold artwork if your style is otherwise very minimal – we just don't think that's true! There's no reason why you can't mix and match a warm, homely feel with big colours and art that really demands to be looked at.”
Mix and match
"Mix and match small framed pieces alongside other decorative objects with a similar colour palette for an, 'oh I just came home and found it like this' look. Which also means you don't have to hang them."
Details Matter
"We both have an eye for the little things. A tea cup, a book, a plant - they can all be things of beauty. There's also a lot of vintage furniture in our house, which tends to lend itself better to organic shapes and textures than new things do."
Bedroom Tranquility
"I've always liked to have a clean, light bedroom - somewhere a bit more peaceful than the rest of the house. The pieces on the wall are by Ali Asad, whose work I love. They're polaroid photos that he has painted over to create these beautiful ethereal characters."
<a href="/ali-asad"
"Nothing wrong with a bit of neon! Used sparingly, I love a pop of bright, fresh colour to cheer everything up."