Artist interview - Susan Wooler

Artist interview - Susan Wooler

Our community of artists is the core foundation of Artfinder. With such a vast community based in all corners of the world, we wanted to help them share more about their artist journey, their artistic process and technique and what inspires them. Today, we chat with one of our amazing mixed-media artist, Susan Wooler.

Can you introduce yourself, where you are from and how long you have been with Artfinder for?

I'm Sue an Abstract Artist from Talacre,, a beautiful coastal village in North Wales and I've been with Artfinder since 2016.

How would you describe your work?

Statement Art - My passion is for vibrant colors and dynamic patterns to evoke joy and intrigue. Each stroke I make is charged with energy, forming a visual symphony that dances across the canvas. I intend my abstract paintings to be a celebration of life's complexities, inviting viewers to find their own meanings within its depths.

What influences you and your work?

Nature - the ocean, the trees, the sky, the welsh countryside, the lakes, the waterfalls, the seasons, the wildlife. Day by day everything changes; some days the sun is shining and the colour's the dance across the ocean look bright and vibrant. Birds: goldfinch, bullfinch and wood peckers with striking colours frequent our garden where we have a small area left to wildflower. Autumn arises and rich hues golden browns, autumn reds completely change the landscape and inspire my art.

What does your creative process involve?

Initially the prep work, I like to ensure each canvas is given a couple of coats of gesso and then its texturing the canvas then another coat of gesso. Then I let my imagination run wild choosing what colours my mood is drawing me towards. I go for an early morning 'dog walk' to the beach and often sit on the sand dunes watching the ever changing colours. I take random photos of a tree, a bird, the sky or the ocean and use these as inspiration to create my work. Building up layers of colour and like to mix my paint to create my own unique shades.

Have you changed as an artist overtime?

Most definitely, I originally started painting in my late teens (nearly 40 years ago!) when working at a dog kennel. I would paint the clients' dogs who stayed with us and sell them. I went away from art for a few years to concentrate on family/home life but whatever job I did (post woman, admin, singer) I always felt something was missing. I returned back to creating art and felt complete. As a self taught artist I've grown massively in confidence, I know what I like and I create what I like, what excites me or soothes my soul.

What’s your favourite artwork you created and why?

”Make a wish” is my favourite, I love the colours, the shapes, the randomness, I love looking into the painting. It makes me feel happy and smile.

What do you think is the role of art/artists in society?

To make people feel, to make people think, to elevate their mood, to bring joy.

What advice do you have for emerging artists looking to make a living out of their art career?

Never give up, if you love what you do, keep doing it, if it’s your passion you need it in your life.

Cover image via Susan Wooler

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