Artist interview - Randi Antonsen

Artist interview - Randi Antonsen

Our community of artists is the core foundation of Artfinder. With such a vast community based in all corners of the world, we wanted to help them share more about their artist journey, their artistic process and technique and what inspires them. Today, we chat with one of our amazing artists, Randi Antonsen.

Can you introduce yourself, where you are from and how long you have been with Artfinder for?

I am an indie artist, born in Norway above the Arctic Circle. This is where I grew up and also spend my summer time, on an island called Senja. I have a studio and a gallery space there. In wintertime i live in Trøndelag, Norway. I work as an artist and teacher in art on high school. I am represented by several galleries in Norway. My love for color, nature, and every living and moving creature, is clearly visible in my illustrative art. I have been on Artfinder since 2018.

How would you describe your work?

I am curious by nature and love to explore new things and techniques. I experience a playfulness in myself when I work. I let one thing lead to another. Thus, I create series of images that perhaps illustrate this approach. I am also a philosopher and love to create space and wonder in my art.

What influences you and your work?

Nature, people, dreams, hope and faith.

What does your creative process involve?

It involves all aspects of life, being an artist and living in art. Ups and downs - participating is the most important thing.

Have you changed as an artist overtime?

Absolutely! From being young, naive and full of anticipation for what lies ahead - to becoming more mature, calm and having good faith in what awaits ahead.

What’s your favourite artwork you created and why?

I am a researcher by nature. My favorite piece of art is always in the future. Waiting to be created.

What do you think is the role of art/artists in society?

To spread joy, optimism, togetherness and make the world a better place.

What advice do you have for emerging artists looking to make a living out of their art career?

Be yourself. Don't lose sight of the goal. Don't compare yourself to others. Enjoy creating.

Cover image via Randi Antonsen

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