Artist interview - Liza Illichmann

Artist interview - Liza Illichmann

Our community of artists is the core foundation of Artfinder. With such a vast community based in all corners of the world, we wanted to help them share more about their artist journey, their artistic process and technique and what inspires them. Today, we chat with one of our amazing oil painters, Liza Illichmann.

Can you introduce yourself, where you are from and how long you have been with Artfinder for?

Hello! My name is Liza Illichmann, originally from Ukraine but currently residing in Germany for the past five years. I've had the pleasure of being part of the Artfinder family since November 2023. It's been an exciting journey so far, and I'm thrilled to continue contributing to such a dynamic team.

How would you describe your work?

I translate the awe-inspiring beauty of nature into vibrant landscape paintings.

What influences you and your work?

Traveling has been a profound influence on my work. The moment I left my hometown and encountered the breathtaking beauty of Eibsee in the German Alps, it was a revelation. The sheer magnificence of nature captivated me like nothing before. Being out there, immersed in the majesty of the world, it felt like nothing I had experienced before. From that moment, my art has been an expression of that deep connection, a celebration of the wonders that surround us. Since that transformative moment at Eibsee, my journey has taken me to various corners of the globe. With each new destination, my experiences have expanded. From the wild nature of Greece to the majestic fjords of Norway, each destination has enriched my artistic perspective, influencing how I interpret and portray the beauty of our world.

What does your creative process involve?

My creative process is deeply personal and begins with immersing myself in the beauty of nature. Whether it's a solitary hike through the forest or a quiet moment by the sea, I draw inspiration from the landscapes that surround me. Each brushstroke is infused with the emotions and memories evoked by these experiences, resulting in paintings that reflect not only the beauty of the natural world but also the depth of my connection to it.

Have you changed as an artist overtime?

Absolutely. Over time, I've found myself becoming more open to the world around me, embracing new experiences and the richness of life's offerings. This openness has not only enriched my artistic journey but also allowed me to explore new techniques, styles, and themes in my work. It's a continuous evolution, and I'm grateful for the growth it brings to both my art and myself as an individual.

What’s your favourite artwork you created and why?

Without a doubt, 'Shimmering Waves' holds a special significance for me. Inspired by the profound emotions evoked by the ocean, this artwork is a manifestation of the sheer joy and serenity I experience in its presence.

What makes 'Shimmering Waves' particularly meaningful is that it isn't a depiction of any specific location; rather, it serves as a composite of all the positive emotions and sensations I associate with being by the ocean. It's a celebration of happiness, encapsulating the essence of tranquillity, beauty, and wonder that I feel when immersed in nature's embrace.

What do you think is the role of art/artists in society?

I believe the role of art and artists in society is multifaceted, but at its core, it's about fostering connection and understanding. As an artist deeply inspired by the beauty of nature, I see my role as a conduit for translating the profound emotions and experiences evoked by the natural world into visual form.

Art has the power to evoke empathy, to challenge perceptions, and to spark dialogue. Through my work, I aim to not only capture the splendour of nature but also to instil a sense of reverence and appreciation for the world around us. In a society that often moves at a frantic pace, art serves as a reminder to pause, to reflect, and to reconnect with the beauty and wonder that surrounds us.

Moreover, art has the ability to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers, serving as a universal language that speaks to the heart and soul of humanity. In this way, artists play a vital role in fostering empathy and understanding across diverse communities.

Ultimately, I see art as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals to embrace their humanity, to cherish the natural world, and to strive for a more compassionate and harmonious society.

What advice do you have for emerging artists looking to make a living out of their art career?

For emerging artists embarking on the journey of turning their passion into a livelihood, my advice would be to embrace your art as more than just a career—it's a calling, a purpose that drives you forward. Find what ignites your soul, what fills you with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and pursue it relentlessly.

Stay true to your artistic vision and voice, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Your unique perspective is your greatest asset in a crowded creative landscape. Invest time in honing your craft, continuously learning and evolving as an artist.

Cover image via Liza Illichmann

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