Artists of the month: July

Artists of the month: July

Alice's pick

Romuald Mulk Musiolik

"I have admired Romuald’s figurative works for a long time. He has a wonderful use of colour, a muted palette that runs through all his works and dramatic use of perspective that never fails to draw you in. His anonymous figures and quiet landscapes can be eery and melancholic but always full of intrigue and drama."

Julia's pick

Chrissy Guest

"Chrissy Guest’s bright abstract works have an innate sense of balance, creating what feels like a language through her paintings. The use of colour, construct and form bring to life a scene or thought in equal balance. Her paintings are a great size, each piece looking really unique with something new to say, I keep getting drawn back to them!"

Dario's pick

Tan Tolga Demirci

"Tan's freakish prints call upon the great Surrealists in depicting intriguing yet familiar imagery. His collage work uses notions of traditional portraiture littered with curious symbology, which in their placement create striking print editions. His weird and wonderful work is sure to catch your eye."

Richard's pick

Nadia Attura

"Nadia’s work demonstrates how unrestrictive the term 'photographic artwork' is these days. Her beautiful, evocative images play on the edges of photography, painting and illustration, or some combination of all three. Are these scenes real or imagined? Fundamentally, it doesn’t matter whether they are ‘real’ images, manipulated ones or figments of the artist’s imagination, these dreamy images transport you to faraway worlds; a magical little escape from our everyday lives. They are transformative — isn’t that what all art should be?"

Aindrea's pick

Marcel Garbi

"The sense of line is at once whimsical and also reflective of a Japanese tradition. Painted on Japanese paper, these colourful works dance off the page and add lyrical charm to a historic technique."

Alex's pick

Katrin Roth

"The works of Katrin Roth, an artist based on the banks of the Rhine in Germany, represent excellent value with prices starting from $100 in multiple media. Her smaller pieces are very expressive, combining dynamic composition, strong colours and bold mark-making to dramatic effect."

Dr. Matthew Eve's pick

Jaco Putker

"In Jaco's supremely artful monochrome etchings we enter a strangely surreal, disquieting nether-world. His photorealistic images have an instant graphic clout that brings to mind the sinister worlds of Jan Svankmeyer, Paula Rego and David Cronenburg crossed with the literature of Franz Kafka. Like these artists, Putker is a storyteller who beckons individual interpretation. I love this artist's dark and warped imagination and strongly recommend his prints to anyone who enjoys delving into the darker recesses of the human psyche."

Shop all artists of the month

Cover image via Hiromi Yamaguchi Migas via Jaco Putker

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