“This photograph was made in a small copse just beneath Stanage Edge in the Derbyshire Peak District. Locally it is called 'The Plantation', in particular amongst us rock climbers. I had arrived at sunrise to capture the morning sunlight on the boulders but it turned out to be a rather dull and misty morning. So, I turned my attention to the Autumnal Beech trees and fallen leaves and set about recording the vast array of colours on display. This tree in particular suddenly jumped out at me as having a beautiful curving shape and form that was very difficult to isolate against the background and other clutter in the woods. If you were to stand in front of the tree you wouldn't necessarily see the shape because of everything else going on around the tree. This is a great example of attempting to create a composition that works from a very busy and cluttered field of view. The colours have been tweaked and strengthened slightly post process to provide a magical and mystical feel to the photograph.” - Ben Robson Hull