Yana Dulger

Joined Artfinder: April 2022

Artworks for sale: 95



About Yana Dulger

  • Biography
    I was born in Storozhynets, where graduated art school with honors. In 2004, graduated from Art College in Vyzhnytsia, I entered Chernivtsi National University, where received higher education on "Fine and decorative arts". I was teacher for long time in Center of child and teen creation of Storozhynets, teaching art weaving and design. At the same time tried to work with different materials, technics and styles. From 2017 all my leisure time I spend on creative growth and making pictures for sale. Now I am preparing my works for personal exhibition. From childhood drawing was main way to introduce myself and learning about outward things. At this moment game of colour and light on different textures and surfaces inspires me to work. In making arts I am managed by love to painting, to process of making masterpieces... It's like breathing, you can't live without that! I want to deliver my feelings in my paintings.
  • Links
  • Education

    2006 - 2007

    Y.Fedkovych Cernivtsi National University

    2004 - 2006

    Y.Fedkovych Cernivtsi National University

    2000 - 2004

    Vyzhnytskyi College of Translation Arts named after V.Y. SHKRIBLYAK (VKPM)

  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events



2006 - 2007

Y.Fedkovych Cernivtsi National University

2004 - 2006

Y.Fedkovych Cernivtsi National University

2000 - 2004

Vyzhnytskyi College of Translation Arts named after V.Y. SHKRIBLYAK (VKPM)

There are no upcoming events



I was born in Storozhynets, where graduated art school with honors. In 2004, graduated from Art College in Vyzhnytsia, I entered Chernivtsi National University, where received higher education on "Fine and decorative arts". I was teacher for long time in Center of child and teen creation of Storozhynets, teaching art weaving and design. At the same time tried to work with different materials, technics and styles. From 2017 all my leisure time I spend on creative growth and making pictures for sale. Now I am preparing my works for personal exhibition. From childhood drawing was main way to introduce myself and learning about outward things. At this moment game of colour and light on different textures and surfaces inspires me to work. In making arts I am managed by love to painting, to process of making masterpieces... It's like breathing, you can't live without that! I want to deliver my feelings in my paintings.