About Xiaoyang Galas
1993 - 2001
Sichuan Fine Arts Academy, Sichuan, China.
China CCTV, 1er award of Evian, France.
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In her paintings Xiaoyang seeks to bring together the East and West. Her technique, often mixed, acrylic, oil, collage and plant tissues, can give an impression of patching. This effect, seem far from inconsistent or incongruous touch in its simplicity. The artist is not afraid to mix colors and honeyed acids. She also uses writing: Chinese, French and English characters, frequently used words in the Holy Bible.
“For me, life is a journey with a purpose, art is a game with meaning."
The artist expresses artistically the sole hope of being able to transmit a message of peace and love. Her gift is to magnify what is essential in life.
Xiaoyang Galas has helds many solo exhibitions in France, Switzerland and other europeen countries. Her contemporary artworks have been collected all around this world in public and private collections.