About Vladislava Vorobyeva
2015 - 2017
MGAKHI them. V.I.Surikova
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Event: Christmas on Begovaya
Dates: 28 Dec 2023 - 12 Jan 2024
On the eve of the New Year and the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ, Moscow artists invite you to their holiday - the vernissage of the exhibition “The Nativity of Christ on Begovaya”, which opens at the end of the year to give viewers a festive mood on the eve of the most anticipated holidays by all of us.
The exhibition is dedicated to Russia’s favorite holidays – New Year and Christmas; here you can see winter landscapes, still lifes, portraits, genre and abstract compositions.
Event: Christmas exhibition
Dates: 25 Dec 2023 - 12 Jan 2024
The exhibition hall of the Association of Painters of the Ministry of Agriculture traditionally holds a “Christmas exhibition”, at which the theme of the Russian winter and the New Year and Christmas holidays sounds from every pictorial canvas - either shyly hiding among the frosty branches of a “clean” landscape, then flashing an openwork reflection in a Christmas tree decoration, then updating the face of a snow-covered beauty from Moscow. In addition to the usual landscape motifs, the artists work with “small genres” and festive still life. It is the latter, having undergone tangible genre metamorphoses in recent years, that suddenly turns from a targeted set of objects into a “still life portrait”, capable of telling a lot about its owner, who remained “behind the scenes” of the work.
Event: Petals
Dates: 24 Sep 2023 - 20 Oct 2023
The main function of a flower is to attract attention, and it does this successfully, delighting not only insects, birds, but also artists. For hundreds of years, creators have glorified the beauty of plants, putting emotions and hidden symbolism into their works, and the viewer read veiled messages
Event: Outskirts topology
Dates: 1 Sep 2023 - 17 Sep 2023
Where does the city end and something else begin? And how to determine the boundaries of urbanized space? How does the center differ from the periphery, and should they differ in the future? These are just some of the questions that were asked for reflection by the artists of our exhibition. In this project we address the study of urban cultural space through the concept of the outskirts.
Event: The first industrial plein air
Dates: 24 May 2023 - 6 Aug 2023
The exhibition “The First Industrial Plein Air” opens at the Gilyarovsky Center, a branch of the Museum of Moscow. The exhibition includes the best works created during plein air classes in the closed territory of the Electrozavod.
Event: FLORA
Dates: 29 Apr 2023 - 1 May 2023
The FLORA festival is dedicated to spring, the celebration of life, and cyclicality in nature and man. The event, organized by the creative association ZEN, includes an exhibition of 68 artists from all over Russia, master classes and a rave party
Event: Be! Excite! Wake up!
Dates: 16 Apr 2023 - 12 May 2023
Spring warmth is still on the way, but more and more often the bright sun excites the blood and everyone froze in anticipation of the awakening of nature. This means it’s time to come out of creative hibernation, awaken your inspiration, excite your imagination on the topic of the manifestation of life in all its forms. Let's not wait for awakening, let's wake up ourselves! Wake up yourself, nature, feelings. Be the demiurges of spring.
Event: Voice of Cities
Dates: 13 Oct 2022 - 13 Nov 2022
Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art presented the works of the winners of the “Voice of Cities” competition for non-professional and beginning artists
More than 100 works by authors from different regions of the country
Video art and three-dimensional objects, digital and traditional painting in a single exhibition space
Maximum freedom of expression
Event: “Moscow and Muscovites 2022”
Dates: 1 Sep 2022 - 15 Sep 2022
The exhibition “Moscow and Muscovites” is an annual exhibition of Moscow artists on the occasion of Moscow City Day, which opens the autumn exhibition season. This is the most festive exhibition of all, taking place in the exhibition hall of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia on Begovaya. It always brings together many artists of different stylistic trends, but the warm, life-affirming direction of their works remains unchanged.
Event: Moscow and Muscovites
Dates: 2 Sep 2021 - 17 Sep 2021
The exhibition "Moscow and Muscovites" is an annual exhibition of Moscow artists dedicated to the day of the city of Moscow, which opens the autumn exhibition season. In total, 308 people take part in the exhibition, who show 360 works at two exhibition sites - in the exhibition hall of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia on Begovaya Street and in the creative workshops of ArtCombinat in Perovo.
Hello! Nice to meet you!)
My name is Vladislava)
Here in my store you can find oil and watercolour works. I paint landscapes and still lifes)
I try different colours and techniques.
I will be very glad if some of them find their new home and will delight their new owners)
All paintings are made with high quality materials and will be able to maintain their quality for many years.
My task is careful packaging, obtaining all the necessary documents for transportation,
as well as sending it by a reliable carrier.
I am in touch with the buyer until the painting is received