About Victoria Coleman
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Event: Art for All
Dates: 22 Apr 2016 - 24 Apr 2016
A unique opportunity for new and experienced collectors to view and buy direct from artists and benefit from the informed, inspiring selection from a number of leading galleries.
After working on film and television and as a commercial artist in the prop making industry for many years I truly appreciate the freedom and privilege of creating anything my heart desires. I began my art career painting dogs and cats, I love animals but particularly pets, they are full of personality and humour just like us which is why I like to anthropomorphize my portraits.
The love of experimenting and the drive to get better at my craft has meant over the last ten years my style and subject matter has evolved a lot since I started, (as you can see if you look back on my past work here in my shop where I have been an Artfinder artist for over 9 years) I have discovered an almost abstract way to paint which has made my painting process more enjoyable and gives my work a new energy and creativeness. It has opened doors to different subjects, I am able to inject life into still life compositions and since being a fifty something I like to express my feelings on the menopause through my Veronica paintings (see my ‘At Work’ photos).
Learning to paint with oils has taught me a lot about myself and my process so nowadays I prefer to work mostly in acrylics but I also like to include pastels, ink, pencils and occasionally collage. I am located in the UK in beautiful Shropshire I have a studio in our garden and the pleasure of two wire hair dachshunds, Springer Spaniel and a black and white cat for company. They are an endless source of inspiration!
Technically I want to capture the beauty and celebrate the personality of my subjects, I will often use humour in my work because I think humour is essential in everyday living, there are so many awful things happening in the world, our homes are our sanctuary where we should feel safe and happy and be able to express our own personal style and if one of my paintings can bring a smile that small act can remind us that things aren’t so bad.
To add variety to my practice I don’t just paint all the time sometimes I like to sculpt with my own recipe paper clay, I love that it’s air drying and lightweight and very durable however lately I have been having strong urges to sculpt in clay…so watch this space! I still love doing commissions (sometimes the more barmy the better!) so if you like my style of work and have an idea for a painting please contact me through Artfinder for the price and size details.
To see my current work and time lapse videos on social media join me on Facebook, Instagram and Pintrest.
Thank you!