About Valerix
2013 - 2014
School-Studio Special courses of commercial photography "Photo-master" Alexei Abramov
1989 - 1991
Kiev national institute of applied art and design named of M. Boychuk
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Previous events
Event: "By the stream of sky"
Dates: 17 Oct 2018 - 5 Nov 2018
• For your attention offered an exposition of photos in a genre which in most cases can be defined as a philosophical landscape.
• In the title, of course, there is a certain game of words. Just as "The intolerable ease of being." As I understand it - it's all about our lives. If you follow the stream - it's allegedly without resistance and usually somewhere down. But the current of the sky is quite different. Heaven is a symbol of the unearthly. It has their own rules, unfamiliar to us. Or their absence. We do not understand why and where we are carried by the stream with great speed in space and time. But being in these fast waves, we have the desire and the ability to strive and achieve something high, elevated. The importance of skill, being in the grey stream of everyday life, see the beauty and reflection of heaven in the familiar things around us.
Event: "Between heaven and earth"
Dates: 5 Jul 2018 - 19 Jul 2018
"Between heaven and earth"
Your attention to the exhibition of interior photography Valery Bekeshko.
"Between heaven and earth" is an author's view of the diversity and scenery of such a popular trend as the landscape photography.
Dates: 9 Jun 2018 - 17 Jun 2018
FIRST FINE ARTS FAIR invites you to open the door to a free, unrestricted communication of artists with viewers in order to make them lovers and buyers.
Event: "Step by step"
Dates: 10 Mar 2018 - 23 Mar 2018
- "This is my attempt in my photographs to cover various aspects of life linked to each other by the idea of movement. While stepping in, we make important things - "first steps", "steps to meet", "step back", "step in the unknown". All life - only steps ... which we choose. I like to keep track of this unceasing movement while traveling through the streets of different cities. At the same time, there is something unique in our steps. Each step can be done only once. Everyone else will be next. Next story, next frame. And so - step by step ..."
Project partners:
National Union of Photo Artists of Ukraine
ART - Kievphotos-Hall Association