Tsvetan Nikolov

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Joined Artfinder: Oct. 2017

Artworks for sale: 50



About Tsvetan Nikolov

  • Biography
    «Shy, but in lightning speed reaching to the core»

    Tsvetan Nikolov is a Bulgarian professional sculptor whose works explore the human body. He believes that each race and sex have many differences, yet also, share many similarities in shape, color, and body structure. Above all, Tsvetan Nikolov explores the delicate nature of interior emotions, thoughts, and feelings through his unique and naturalistic characters. His photorealistic and minimalistic works are created using bronze, wood and paper.

    In 2007 he graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia-city with master degree in Space Design & Sculpture. Ever since his graduation he has taken part in many group exhibitions in Bulgaria. 
    In 2017 he started working with the Bulgarian Integrated Artists Gallery and now this collaboration is leading to the successful distribution worldwide of nearly 30 original artworks of his and overall development of his art style and working technique. 
  • Links
  • Education

    2003 - 2007

    National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

    1998 - 2003

    National High School of Applied Arts "St. Luka" - Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events



2003 - 2007

National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

1998 - 2003

National High School of Applied Arts "St. Luka" - Sofia, Bulgaria

There are no upcoming events



«Shy, but in lightning speed reaching to the core»

Tsvetan Nikolov is a Bulgarian professional sculptor whose works explore the human body. He believes that each race and sex have many differences, yet also, share many similarities in shape, color, and body structure. Above all, Tsvetan Nikolov explores the delicate nature of interior emotions, thoughts, and feelings through his unique and naturalistic characters. His photorealistic and minimalistic works are created using bronze, wood and paper.

In 2007 he graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia-city with master degree in Space Design & Sculpture. Ever since his graduation he has taken part in many group exhibitions in Bulgaria. 
In 2017 he started working with the Bulgarian Integrated Artists Gallery and now this collaboration is leading to the successful distribution worldwide of nearly 30 original artworks of his and overall development of his art style and working technique.