Trayana Panayotova

Joined Artfinder: Feb. 2021

Artworks for sale: 52



About Trayana Panayotova

  • Biography
    I was born in 1984 in Yambol, Bulgaria. I completed my professional training in 2009 at the University of Veliko Tarnovo with a degree in sculpture. I can define myself as an artist working in various fields of fine arts. Мy research is focused on sculpture from recycled paper, paper collage and painting. After graduation, the figure was present in my works as a major building block. Gradually, purely abstract fields began to appear in collages as a way of expression, while paintings and canvases retained their figurativeness for a long time. Inspired by eternal existential themes, the figures are delicately constructed of thin lines in monochrome colors, laconic, transparent. In 2020, the storyline in my art underwent a certain transformation, the reason for which is the view of nature. Surrounded by the fauna, the peace and quiet of my new place to work and live, art took me on a new path. I would define 2020 as a sip of freedom in my creative process. I felt how important it is for the artist not to measure time by hours, days ... 2020 was reflected in the power of freedom to experiment. The experiment is at the forefront of my work. I think that the feeling of movement in the unknown leads to creativity in the world of art. I have been actively participating in national and international exhibitions, competitions and plein airs since 2007. The highlight of my biography is 2019. I was nominated for the ART-AWARD of Walter Koschatzky, Vienna, Austria. I participated in the international exhibition organized by Women in Art, Orlando, Florida. I also received the prestigious award for sculpture from the National Exhibition - Painting and Sculpture Competition / Young Bulgarian artists on the idea of ​​Mr. Todor Staykov, Raiko Alexiev Gallery, Sofia. In 2017, I was awarded the Young Balkan Artist Award from Austen, Skopje, Northern Macedonia. I also participated in the International Festival of Visual Arts "Environment and Man", held in Desful, Khuzestan, Iran. From the 4th International Biennial of Fine Arts "Naked Body" "Marko Gregovic" in Petrovac, Montenegro, I received praise in the painting section. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists since 2020. This is my life and way of expressing myself. I think that Artfinder would give me the opportunity to connect with art connoisseurs from all over the world, as well as to meet new artistic worlds in the works of other artists.
  • Links
  • Education

    2009 - 2009

    University of Lisbon

    2008 - 2009

    St. Cyril аnd Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo

    2004 - 2008

    St. Cyril аnd Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo

    1998 - 2003

    National High School of Plastic Arts and Design „Akad. Dechko Uzunov”

  • Awards


    Award for nternational Artist category

    Women in the Arts: “Celebrating the Genius of Women” art competition, exhibition, and awards is presented by Women in the Arts, Inc. in partnership with the Orlando Public Library.

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    Sculpture Award

    National Exhibition - Competition for Painting and Sculpture / Young Bulgarian Artists on the Idea of Mr. Todor Staykov, Raiko Alexiev Gallery, Sofia


    Nomination for the “Walter Koschatzky ART-AWARD”

    The Koschatzky Art-Award ("KA") is a competition held every two years since 2005, which aims to honour and promote young emerging artists up to 35 years of age. Approx. 2,400 works by approx. 800 artists from approx. 80 countries are submitted to the jury of the KA. The Koschatzky Art Award is the largest graphic art award in Europe and has already served as a springboard for many artists for an international career. The Rotary Club Wien-Albertina has launched this initiative and is now organizing the KA'21 together with the Rotaract Club Wien-Albertina for the 9th time.


    Commendation for painting

    Fourth International Biennial of Fine Arts Gola "Marco Gregović ”in Petrovac, Montenegro.


    Collage Firs Prize

    The IX National Exhibition Art Collage Plovdiv opens in the exhibition hall of the Society of Plovdiv Artists of Gladstone. It involves 74 authors from all over the country. The first prize is the collage "Black and White Days" by Trayana Panayotova from Yambol. The second prize is for the collage "Memory" by Laura Dimitrova from Sofia. In third place is the work of Nikolay Stanev, who lives in Prague.


    Young Balkan artist

    The World Gallery of Drawing draws its inspiration from the 40 years tradition of the World Gallery of Cartoons and represents a natural expansion of the scope of OSTEN by dedicating itself to fostering drawing and graphic arts.
    The World Gallery of Drawing is the single event of its kind in Macedonia that keeps up with the contemporary trends in the area of visual arts and is a fast-developing one continuously being enhanced by new content in art on paper. Envisaged as a biennale event, Biennial of Awarded Artists occurs in between the years of the regular World Gallery of Drawing continuing to grant awards to the artist, thus stimulate their further production. As a part of the award GOLDEN OSTEN, awarded at each World Gallery of Drawing event, a residency in Macedonia is foreseen for recipients of this award.


    Painting award

    6th National Allianz Bulgaria Competition, Regional Exhibition, Sliven


    Award for Young Artist (Ministry of Culture - Sofia)

    The National Exhibition "Ludogorie" is one of the significant cultural events of Razgrad. It is organized every two years, the latest editions are also with international participate.
    The organizers of the National Exhibition” Ludogorie” 2017 are the Ministry of Culture, the Union of Bulgarian Artists, Razgrad Municipality and the Art Gallery "Prof. Ilyia Petrov ".
    The National Exhibition "Ludogorie" is a suitable field for expression for younger authors as well as prominent and established brush masters.


    Young Artist

    The Small Forms Biennial (BSF) is a traditional and established forum for presenting the contemporary trends and achievements in the field of painting, graphics and sculpture in fine arts.


    "Golden Osten" Award

    On the OSTEN BIENNIAL OF DRAWING, 42th World Gallery of Drawing – Skopje 2014, 460 artists from 53 countries submitted 1408 artworks.
    The World Gallery of Drawing draws its inspiration from the 40 years tradition of the World Gallery of Cartoons and represents a natural expansion of the scope of OSTEN by dedicating itself to fostering drawing and graphic arts.
    The World Gallery of Drawing is the single event of its kind in Macedonia that keeps up with the contemporary trends in the area of visual arts and is a fast-developing one continuously being enhanced by new content in art on paper. Envisaged as a biennale event, Biennial of Awarded Artists occurs in between the years of the regular World Gallery of Drawing continuing to grant awards to the artist, thus stimulate their further production. As a part of the award GOLDEN OSTEN, awarded at each World Gallery of Drawing event, a residency in Macedonia is foreseen for recipients of this award.


    Award for sculpture

    3rd Competition "National Awards Allianz Bulgaria" Burgas


    Award of the Municipality

    "Friends of the Sea" is a national art exhibition of contemporary Bulgarian paintings, graphics and sculptures, held every two years in Burgas.
    Best works will traditionally be presented in an exhibition that will be viewed by residents and guests of Burgas from August 21st to September 16th, 2010 at "Petko Zadgorski" Art Gallery and the Gallery at the Union of Burgas Artists.
    In category "Painting" the jury distinguished artist Ivan Bahchevanov for his work "Four washed memories from swimming in an unknown sea". In the category "Sculpture" Svilen Kostadinov was awarded for his work "Motive of Chernomorets 1". Darina Peeva is the winner in category "Graphics" with "X-Generation".
    The jury decided to share the Municipality's Award between the two authors - Trayana Panayotova /sculpture/ for "Composition 1" and "Composition 2" and Chavdar Petrov /painter/ for "Night at the seaside".
    In the category "Young Artist" was awarded Anelia Nikolova with her work "Paper Birds".
  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: Sollo Exibition

    Dates: 12 Jun 2021 - 30 Jun 2021

    Venue: Labyrinth Gallery, 1, Angel Bukoreshtliev Str 4000 Plovdiv

    Artist Trayana Panayotova shows the first solo exhibition in front of the Plovdiv publication. The host is the Labyrinth Gallery, and connoisseurs can see works from June 12 to 26. The opening on Saturday at 6.30 pm will be a real celebration with the jazz piano of Miroslav Turiyski. Trayana is a young and infinitely talented author with many participations in joint projects. biennials, competitors, both in Bulgaria and abroad. In her first solo exhibition, Trayana will show watercolors from the cycle "Beyond the Limits", a series of acrylic canvases "Summer Projections" and her latest collages from the last year of the pandemic. We still enjoy a gentle, poetic painting that uses air, space and the play of forms. A delicate balance between movement and meditative contemplation.
    Elena Kalpakchieva, Art curator Labyrinth Gallery



2009 - 2009

University of Lisbon

2008 - 2009

St. Cyril аnd Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo

2004 - 2008

St. Cyril аnd Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo

1998 - 2003

National High School of Plastic Arts and Design „Akad. Dechko Uzunov”



Award for nternational Artist category

Women in the Arts: “Celebrating the Genius of Women” art competition, exhibition, and awards is presented by Women in the Arts, Inc. in partnership with the Orlando Public Library.

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Sculpture Award

National Exhibition - Competition for Painting and Sculpture / Young Bulgarian Artists on the Idea of Mr. Todor Staykov, Raiko Alexiev Gallery, Sofia


Nomination for the “Walter Koschatzky ART-AWARD”

The Koschatzky Art-Award ("KA") is a competition held every two years since 2005, which aims to honour and promote young emerging artists up to 35 years of age. Approx. 2,400 works by approx. 800 artists from approx. 80 countries are submitted to the jury of the KA. The Koschatzky Art Award is the largest graphic art award in Europe and has already served as a springboard for many artists for an international career. The Rotary Club Wien-Albertina has launched this initiative and is now organizing the KA'21 together with the Rotaract Club Wien-Albertina for the 9th time.


Commendation for painting

Fourth International Biennial of Fine Arts Gola "Marco Gregović ”in Petrovac, Montenegro.


Collage Firs Prize

The IX National Exhibition Art Collage Plovdiv opens in the exhibition hall of the Society of Plovdiv Artists of Gladstone. It involves 74 authors from all over the country. The first prize is the collage "Black and White Days" by Trayana Panayotova from Yambol. The second prize is for the collage "Memory" by Laura Dimitrova from Sofia. In third place is the work of Nikolay Stanev, who lives in Prague.


Young Balkan artist

The World Gallery of Drawing draws its inspiration from the 40 years tradition of the World Gallery of Cartoons and represents a natural expansion of the scope of OSTEN by dedicating itself to fostering drawing and graphic arts.
The World Gallery of Drawing is the single event of its kind in Macedonia that keeps up with the contemporary trends in the area of visual arts and is a fast-developing one continuously being enhanced by new content in art on paper. Envisaged as a biennale event, Biennial of Awarded Artists occurs in between the years of the regular World Gallery of Drawing continuing to grant awards to the artist, thus stimulate their further production. As a part of the award GOLDEN OSTEN, awarded at each World Gallery of Drawing event, a residency in Macedonia is foreseen for recipients of this award.


Painting award

6th National Allianz Bulgaria Competition, Regional Exhibition, Sliven


Award for Young Artist (Ministry of Culture - Sofia)

The National Exhibition "Ludogorie" is one of the significant cultural events of Razgrad. It is organized every two years, the latest editions are also with international participate.
The organizers of the National Exhibition” Ludogorie” 2017 are the Ministry of Culture, the Union of Bulgarian Artists, Razgrad Municipality and the Art Gallery "Prof. Ilyia Petrov ".
The National Exhibition "Ludogorie" is a suitable field for expression for younger authors as well as prominent and established brush masters.


Young Artist

The Small Forms Biennial (BSF) is a traditional and established forum for presenting the contemporary trends and achievements in the field of painting, graphics and sculpture in fine arts.


"Golden Osten" Award

On the OSTEN BIENNIAL OF DRAWING, 42th World Gallery of Drawing – Skopje 2014, 460 artists from 53 countries submitted 1408 artworks.
The World Gallery of Drawing draws its inspiration from the 40 years tradition of the World Gallery of Cartoons and represents a natural expansion of the scope of OSTEN by dedicating itself to fostering drawing and graphic arts.
The World Gallery of Drawing is the single event of its kind in Macedonia that keeps up with the contemporary trends in the area of visual arts and is a fast-developing one continuously being enhanced by new content in art on paper. Envisaged as a biennale event, Biennial of Awarded Artists occurs in between the years of the regular World Gallery of Drawing continuing to grant awards to the artist, thus stimulate their further production. As a part of the award GOLDEN OSTEN, awarded at each World Gallery of Drawing event, a residency in Macedonia is foreseen for recipients of this award.


Award for sculpture

3rd Competition "National Awards Allianz Bulgaria" Burgas


Award of the Municipality

"Friends of the Sea" is a national art exhibition of contemporary Bulgarian paintings, graphics and sculptures, held every two years in Burgas.
Best works will traditionally be presented in an exhibition that will be viewed by residents and guests of Burgas from August 21st to September 16th, 2010 at "Petko Zadgorski" Art Gallery and the Gallery at the Union of Burgas Artists.
In category "Painting" the jury distinguished artist Ivan Bahchevanov for his work "Four washed memories from swimming in an unknown sea". In the category "Sculpture" Svilen Kostadinov was awarded for his work "Motive of Chernomorets 1". Darina Peeva is the winner in category "Graphics" with "X-Generation".
The jury decided to share the Municipality's Award between the two authors - Trayana Panayotova /sculpture/ for "Composition 1" and "Composition 2" and Chavdar Petrov /painter/ for "Night at the seaside".
In the category "Young Artist" was awarded Anelia Nikolova with her work "Paper Birds".

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Sollo Exibition

Dates: 12 Jun 2021 - 30 Jun 2021

Venue: Labyrinth Gallery, 1, Angel Bukoreshtliev Str 4000 Plovdiv

Artist Trayana Panayotova shows the first solo exhibition in front of the Plovdiv publication. The host is the Labyrinth Gallery, and connoisseurs can see works from June 12 to 26. The opening on Saturday at 6.30 pm will be a real celebration with the jazz piano of Miroslav Turiyski. Trayana is a young and infinitely talented author with many participations in joint projects. biennials, competitors, both in Bulgaria and abroad. In her first solo exhibition, Trayana will show watercolors from the cycle "Beyond the Limits", a series of acrylic canvases "Summer Projections" and her latest collages from the last year of the pandemic. We still enjoy a gentle, poetic painting that uses air, space and the play of forms. A delicate balance between movement and meditative contemplation.
Elena Kalpakchieva, Art curator Labyrinth Gallery



I was born in 1984 in Yambol, Bulgaria. I completed my professional training in 2009 at the University of Veliko Tarnovo with a degree in sculpture. I can define myself as an artist working in various fields of fine arts. Мy research is focused on sculpture from recycled paper, paper collage and painting. After graduation, the figure was present in my works as a major building block. Gradually, purely abstract fields began to appear in collages as a way of expression, while paintings and canvases retained their figurativeness for a long time. Inspired by eternal existential themes, the figures are delicately constructed of thin lines in monochrome colors, laconic, transparent. In 2020, the storyline in my art underwent a certain transformation, the reason for which is the view of nature. Surrounded by the fauna, the peace and quiet of my new place to work and live, art took me on a new path. I would define 2020 as a sip of freedom in my creative process. I felt how important it is for the artist not to measure time by hours, days ... 2020 was reflected in the power of freedom to experiment. The experiment is at the forefront of my work. I think that the feeling of movement in the unknown leads to creativity in the world of art. I have been actively participating in national and international exhibitions, competitions and plein airs since 2007. The highlight of my biography is 2019. I was nominated for the ART-AWARD of Walter Koschatzky, Vienna, Austria. I participated in the international exhibition organized by Women in Art, Orlando, Florida. I also received the prestigious award for sculpture from the National Exhibition - Painting and Sculpture Competition / Young Bulgarian artists on the idea of ​​Mr. Todor Staykov, Raiko Alexiev Gallery, Sofia. In 2017, I was awarded the Young Balkan Artist Award from Austen, Skopje, Northern Macedonia. I also participated in the International Festival of Visual Arts "Environment and Man", held in Desful, Khuzestan, Iran. From the 4th International Biennial of Fine Arts "Naked Body" "Marko Gregovic" in Petrovac, Montenegro, I received praise in the painting section. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists since 2020. This is my life and way of expressing myself. I think that Artfinder would give me the opportunity to connect with art connoisseurs from all over the world, as well as to meet new artistic worlds in the works of other artists.