About Tom Winney
1997 - 2001
University of Reading
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Event: Drawing, Print, Paint
Dates: 26 Mar 2015 - 22 May 2015
Tom Winney presents a new series of drawings, prints and paintings, that build on the themes and ideas of his recent solo show at System
The primary focus of my current work is creating work using iconic/cult films, music and tv. Using a repetitious drawing technique - overlaying simple line drawings on top of each other - the artist produces intricately fractured, abstract images that are occasionally bleak yet convey a sense of motion. The ambiguity of form, use of negative space create an interesting narrative, with the emphasis on mark-making and disassociating the final image from the source material - although the images are littered with clues as to their origin.
Event: Afterimage
Dates: 11 Dec 2014 - 22 Jan 2015
Using a repetitious drawing techniques, overlaying paint, digital and screen prints, Tom Winney produces intricately fractured, abstract images that are occasionally bleak yet convey a sense of motion.
The ambiguity of form, use of negative space create an interesting narrative, with the emphasis on mark-making and disassociating the final image from the source material - although the images are sometimes littered with clues as to their origin.
Event: Random Works
Dates: 25 Jan 2014 - 26 Jan 2014
Guerilla Galleries presents a selection of contemporary art from a bevy of new and emerging artists - don't you dare miss it
Featuring the work of: Angela Chalmers, David Vigor, Pete White, iCON, Theresa de Swiet, Piluca, Pouka, David 'Lusky' Luscombe, Matthew Chapman, Miguel Ivorra, Keeley Wynn, Leanne Broadbent, Binty Bint, Gee 'Street' Artist.
Event: Escape to Happiness
Dates: 2 Jan 2014 - 3 Jan 2014
Guerilla Galleries sees in the New Year by calling upon the collective talents of 20 artists to decipher their truths about happiness. Expect a heady mix of original work, with artist offerings including amongst others things; Happy Juice; An Ultimate Vice Happiness Pack; A Happy Chair; and Free Hugs.The Guerilla's Risqué Art room also returns with its walls and screens dedicated to what may be considered edgy offerings.
Artists include: David 'Lusky' Luscombe, Leanne Broadbent, Keeley Wynn, Dr Bingo Bongo, iCON, Natasha Porter, Piluca, Mbeng Pouka, Randolph Hoyte, Rachel Mower, Helen Latham, Miguel Ivorra, Alex Becker, Eliza Freespirit, Jean-Luc Almond, Robert Czibi, Peter White, Michaela Mysakova, Jake Oliver-Fishman, David Vigor, Laura Madsen, Theresa de Swiet, Mario Lautier Vella, Nathan Hawthorne, Elena-Simona Badulescu, Gee Higgins, Samantha Leigh Williams and live original music from Pavel Mezihorak.
Whatever your preconceptions of the art gallery experience may have been, expect it to change over two big Guerilla Galleries' nights and Afternoon Tea.
Event: Tom Winney
Dates: 1 Jan 2014 - 31 Jan 2014
Tom Winney
January 2014
This month RG features a body of new and recent works by Newcastle upon Tyne based artist Tom Winney.
This exhibition includes a selection of Winney's works on paper and canvas, created using a variety of mixed media and pen & ink drawing.
The artist describes his process in his own words:
'The primary focus of my current work is creating drawings from action sequences in old films. Using a repetitious drawing technique - overlaying simple line drawings on top of each other - the artist produces intricately fractured, abstract images that are occasionally bleak yet convey a sense of motion.
The ambiguity of form, use of negative space create an interesting narrative, with the emphasis on mark-making and disassociating the final image from the source material - although the images are littered with clues as to their origin.'
Event: Persistence of Vision
Dates: 9 Aug 2013 - 31 Aug 2013
System finishes the summer season presenting a series of drawings and prints from the emerging local artist Tom Winney. Using persistent and repetitious drawing technique the artist produces intricately fractured and abstract images, that are bleak and yet convey a sense of motion.
Persistence of vision is the phenomenon of the eye by which an afterimage is thought to persist for approximately one twenty-fifth of a second on the retina.