About tom morgan
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About Tom Morgan
Hello there, I was born in Glasgow Scotland and came to Vancouver BC, Canada in 1948. I have been drawing and painting all of my life. My artwork has meandered through most mediums and styles throughout my life. I started using oil paints when I was about twelve and am still using them now at sixty nine. I have not limited myself to oils, but rather have tried most mediums that I have come across. This gives me lots of freedom in rendering the particular piece of art that I have in mind. For example I fell in love with the airbrush (old school air + pigment) for rendering mechanical subjects. Later I used it for painting nudes with watercolour paint and more recently large canvases in a pop art style. As far as subject material, I like to think that I can paint anything that I feel like painting. I have been doing life drawing (nude figures) for many years and am currently a member of the Heritage Life Drawing Society based in New Westminster BC. Presently I am working on a series of oil paintings inspired by my life drawing exposure. I hope you enjoy my work and bye for now. - Tom Morgan