Tatyana Tokareva

Joined Artfinder: May 2020

Artworks for sale: 161



About Tatyana Tokareva

  • Biography
    "The links between places, people and the passage of time have always fascinated me. My artistic practice allows me to explore the moments, where situations and objects suddenly become the keys to a new reality, leading to the understanding of the very essence of things and events. I pay attention to the details, to the light, to the variations of the state of nature and to my emotions. These projections, in turn, take the material forms of watercolor artworks. I am attracted by the lack of novelty in things, the patina, the traces of time. In my artworks, I am looking for ways to express "beauty in imperfection". Exciting themes determine the choice of materials and techniques with natural properties. Most of my paintings are made in the watercolor technique on paper with a textured surface. For some artworks, I prefer graphic materials and mixed techniques: ink, colored pencils, graphite, pastel." .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Tatyana Tokareva is a professional watercolor artist from Siberia (Novosibirsk, Russia). Member of the Association of Siberian Watercolorists and curator of artistic projects. Since 2020, Tatyana has been living and working between Russia and France. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2023 - L'été dernier (Oudon, France) / 2023 - Watercolor and poetry (Novosibirsk, Russie) / 2022 - The Sea (Akademgorodok, Russia) / 2022 - Vibrations of Silence (Château de Clermont, France) / 2022 - Journal de voyage en France (Akademgorodok, Russia) / 2021 - Reflections (Novosibirsk, Russia) .................................................................................................................................................................................................... INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2023 - Art Capital, SALON DE DESSIN ET PEINTURE À L'EAU (Paris, France) 2022/2023 - III International Triennial Watercolor (Varna,Bulgaria and 9 other cities) / 2022 - ONCE IN THE CITY, Watercolor Festival, Special mention by jury (Novosibirsk, Russia) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2022 - 30m painting/sculpture exhibition, Jury Prize (Teillé, France) / 2022 - Watercolor Space (Novosibirsk, Russia) / 2021 - Fragments / two centuries of watercolors (Novosibirsk, Russia) / 2020 - Russian Winter, Laureate of the Watercolor Festival (Novosibirsk, Russia) / 2019 - Beautiful day, watercolors and graphics of the Siberian region (Akademgorodok, Russia) / 2019 - II Siberian watercolor exhibition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
  • Links
  • Education

    1992 - 1998

    Siberian Institute of Arts

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: "Reflections", solo exhibition

    Dates: 16 Feb 2021 - 14 Mar 2021

    Venue: Gallery of House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk

    "Reflections", solo exhibition, Gallery of House of Scientists (Novosibirsk, Russia).

    Event: "Russian Winter", christmas festival of watercolors

    Dates: 14 Dec 2020 - 17 Jan 2021

    Venue: Gallery of House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk

    Christmas festival of watercolors "Russian Winter", Gallery of House of Scientists (Novosibirsk, Russia).

    Event: "Good Day", exhibition of watercolorists of the Siberian region

    Dates: 13 Oct 2019 - 10 Nov 2019

    Venue: Gallery of House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk

    "Good Day", exhibition of watercolorists of the Siberian region

    Event: The Second Siberian Salon of Watercolors

    Dates: 4 Sep 2019 - 4 Oct 2019

    Venue: “Collezione Privata” gallery, Novosibirsk, Russia

    The Second Siberian Salon of Watercolors, gallery "Private Collection" (Novosibirsk, Russia).

    Event: Watercolorists of Siberia

    Dates: 4 Sep 2018 - 4 Oct 2018

    Venue: “Collezione Privata” gallery, Novosibirsk, Russia

    Exhibition "Watercolorists of Siberia", gallery "Private Collection" (Novosibirsk, Russia)



1992 - 1998

Siberian Institute of Arts

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: "Reflections", solo exhibition

Dates: 16 Feb 2021 - 14 Mar 2021

Venue: Gallery of House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk

"Reflections", solo exhibition, Gallery of House of Scientists (Novosibirsk, Russia).

Event: "Russian Winter", christmas festival of watercolors

Dates: 14 Dec 2020 - 17 Jan 2021

Venue: Gallery of House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk

Christmas festival of watercolors "Russian Winter", Gallery of House of Scientists (Novosibirsk, Russia).

Event: "Good Day", exhibition of watercolorists of the Siberian region

Dates: 13 Oct 2019 - 10 Nov 2019

Venue: Gallery of House of Scientists, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk

"Good Day", exhibition of watercolorists of the Siberian region

Event: The Second Siberian Salon of Watercolors

Dates: 4 Sep 2019 - 4 Oct 2019

Venue: “Collezione Privata” gallery, Novosibirsk, Russia

The Second Siberian Salon of Watercolors, gallery "Private Collection" (Novosibirsk, Russia).

Event: Watercolorists of Siberia

Dates: 4 Sep 2018 - 4 Oct 2018

Venue: “Collezione Privata” gallery, Novosibirsk, Russia

Exhibition "Watercolorists of Siberia", gallery "Private Collection" (Novosibirsk, Russia)



"The links between places, people and the passage of time have always fascinated me. My artistic practice allows me to explore the moments, where situations and objects suddenly become the keys to a new reality, leading to the understanding of the very essence of things and events. I pay attention to the details, to the light, to the variations of the state of nature and to my emotions. These projections, in turn, take the material forms of watercolor artworks. I am attracted by the lack of novelty in things, the patina, the traces of time. In my artworks, I am looking for ways to express "beauty in imperfection". Exciting themes determine the choice of materials and techniques with natural properties. Most of my paintings are made in the watercolor technique on paper with a textured surface. For some artworks, I prefer graphic materials and mixed techniques: ink, colored pencils, graphite, pastel." .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Tatyana Tokareva is a professional watercolor artist from Siberia (Novosibirsk, Russia). Member of the Association of Siberian Watercolorists and curator of artistic projects. Since 2020, Tatyana has been living and working between Russia and France. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2023 - L'été dernier (Oudon, France) / 2023 - Watercolor and poetry (Novosibirsk, Russie) / 2022 - The Sea (Akademgorodok, Russia) / 2022 - Vibrations of Silence (Château de Clermont, France) / 2022 - Journal de voyage en France (Akademgorodok, Russia) / 2021 - Reflections (Novosibirsk, Russia) .................................................................................................................................................................................................... INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2023 - Art Capital, SALON DE DESSIN ET PEINTURE À L'EAU (Paris, France) 2022/2023 - III International Triennial Watercolor (Varna,Bulgaria and 9 other cities) / 2022 - ONCE IN THE CITY, Watercolor Festival, Special mention by jury (Novosibirsk, Russia) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2022 - 30m painting/sculpture exhibition, Jury Prize (Teillé, France) / 2022 - Watercolor Space (Novosibirsk, Russia) / 2021 - Fragments / two centuries of watercolors (Novosibirsk, Russia) / 2020 - Russian Winter, Laureate of the Watercolor Festival (Novosibirsk, Russia) / 2019 - Beautiful day, watercolors and graphics of the Siberian region (Akademgorodok, Russia) / 2019 - II Siberian watercolor exhibition (Novosibirsk, Russia)