Tania Serket

Joined Artfinder: Dec. 2023

Artworks for sale: 78


About Tania Serket

  • Biography
    I am a professional photographer who graduated from painting studies at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. Maybe that's why I look at photography as a painting. Colors is especially important to me.
    Mainly all my images are made in enclosed space using black painted walls whilst experimenting with double exposer and long shutter speed  The shapes created by movement live and die together. Movement compositions created on the wall mirror an effect similar to hypnosis. Light is also playing an important part, constantly reminding its importance in transformation in movement. 

    Tania Serke is a Lithuanian photographer living in Vilnius. She started working as an art editor in a publishing house, and later as a photographer for interior design magazines. She has studied music and painting at the Lithuanian Academies and has managed to release several authorial photo albums, including "Interiors in Lithuania", "Life inside the country" and most recently: "Frozen music. National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Vilnius".

    She regularly participates in group and personal exhibitions in Lithuania. My works have also been exhibited in galleries in the United States and France.

    Nationality: LITHUANIA 
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    Previous events

    Event: International Contemporary art Fair ArtVilnius'24

    Dates: 4 Oct 2024 - 6 Oct 2024

    Venue: LITEXPO Exhibition & Congress Center, Vilnius, Lithuania

    I am happy to announce that art gallery AP Galerija will present my photos at the International Art Fair ArtVilnius'24 in October.


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Previous events

Event: International Contemporary art Fair ArtVilnius'24

Dates: 4 Oct 2024 - 6 Oct 2024

Venue: LITEXPO Exhibition & Congress Center, Vilnius, Lithuania

I am happy to announce that art gallery AP Galerija will present my photos at the International Art Fair ArtVilnius'24 in October.



I am a professional photographer who graduated from painting studies at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. Maybe that's why I look at photography as a painting. Colors is especially important to me.
Mainly all my images are made in enclosed space using black painted walls whilst experimenting with double exposer and long shutter speed  The shapes created by movement live and die together. Movement compositions created on the wall mirror an effect similar to hypnosis. Light is also playing an important part, constantly reminding its importance in transformation in movement. 

Tania Serke is a Lithuanian photographer living in Vilnius. She started working as an art editor in a publishing house, and later as a photographer for interior design magazines. She has studied music and painting at the Lithuanian Academies and has managed to release several authorial photo albums, including "Interiors in Lithuania", "Life inside the country" and most recently: "Frozen music. National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Vilnius".

She regularly participates in group and personal exhibitions in Lithuania. My works have also been exhibited in galleries in the United States and France.

Nationality: LITHUANIA