Taidakov Nikolai

Joined Artfinder: Jan. 2017

Artworks for sale: 48



About Taidakov Nikolai

  • Biography
    “...Any person knows that the people around, events in life, the constraint of various circumstances sometimes force people to abandon their dreams or face a choice: uninteresting job and secured, grey, boring life in a golden cage or, maybe, quite the opposite: work of love, creativity and affection as the apogee of everything in the world. But no one really asserts that a person must necessarily choose between two opposites. A person always has one thing of the two already. For example, the capacity to creative work. And this one “option” (and for many, the only one) is the true human trait, which always remains with us, regardless of the circumstances of life.

    In Munich, there are many artists, musicians, painters...- the creative people. One of them is a painter from Moscow - Nikolay Taydakov (Novosibirsk-Berlin-Moscow-Munich). Nikolay Taydakov, an architect, artist, gallery owner, fashion designer, graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Civil Engineering with a degree in architecture at the age of 23. At the All-Russian Contest of the best graduation works he received the Diploma of the first degree.
    For five years he was teaching at the Department of Architecture of the Novosibirsk Institute of Civil Engineering. Then for three years he was in a graduate school in Moscow. Alas, the "realities" of the Soviet times did not allow him realize the planned scientific research in full, and he did not want to compromise with himself.
    But later perestroika took place, and Nikolay realized that the old way of life that was collapsing right before his eyes would no longer be; on the contrary, absolutely new opportunities were opening up for creative people, the seekers who are capable of making their own decisions and actions in order to fulfil their potential. At that time Taydakov established the Decor company in Moscow, at the All-Russian Culture Foundation, which became literally one of the first private companies at the Ministry of Culture, dealing with the issues of Museum and Interior Design. He headed a team of up to 20 people, executed over 40 Contracts of architectural and artistic development of museum exhibitions and their implementation on site. (Moscow, Suzdal, Leningrad, Volokolamsk, Istra, Zvenigorod, Spas-Ugol, Taldom, Torzhok, Astrakhan, Vyazemy, Melikhovo...). Unwilling to make another compromise and engage in commercial projects (since 1991, funding of cultural facilities has significantly reduced), he closed his Moscow company.
    In 1992, during his vacations in Europe, when he came to Munich, he signed a contract for work. First, in an architectural firm, and then there were contracts with various design studios; during the past 12 years, with design companies dealing with conceptual development and design modelling of the latest automobile pilot models and presentation ShowCars unique models. (VOLKE, BERTRANDT, UEDELHOFEN, SIEBENWURST, EDAG, AUDI, PROCEDA, CREATIVE Wave GmbH...).
    Since 1993, he has been a member of the Association of Artists of Germany (BBK) and the International Association of Artists (IGBK). In 2004, he established a public organization of artists of Munich and Bavaria - EUROKUNSTWERKSTATT e.V..
    In 2005, he opened his own company Taydakov’s KUNST Comptoir with an extensive list of tasks and projects. 
    From 2006 to 2011 he owned the ART Galerie N. Taydakov & S. Volkov. A number of hotels in Berlin, Brussels, Antwerp and Munich have decorated their interiors with the works by the master...“

    Alex Demy, 2011 Munich

  • Links
  • Education

    1971 - 1977

    the Academy of Architecture/Novosibirsk - Russland

  • Awards



    5th ABSTRACT Juried International Art Competition.

    Co Runner-Up Prize Winner

    Los Angeles, California
  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events



1971 - 1977

the Academy of Architecture/Novosibirsk - Russland




5th ABSTRACT Juried International Art Competition.

Co Runner-Up Prize Winner

Los Angeles, California

There are no upcoming events



“...Any person knows that the people around, events in life, the constraint of various circumstances sometimes force people to abandon their dreams or face a choice: uninteresting job and secured, grey, boring life in a golden cage or, maybe, quite the opposite: work of love, creativity and affection as the apogee of everything in the world. But no one really asserts that a person must necessarily choose between two opposites. A person always has one thing of the two already. For example, the capacity to creative work. And this one “option” (and for many, the only one) is the true human trait, which always remains with us, regardless of the circumstances of life.

In Munich, there are many artists, musicians, painters...- the creative people. One of them is a painter from Moscow - Nikolay Taydakov (Novosibirsk-Berlin-Moscow-Munich). Nikolay Taydakov, an architect, artist, gallery owner, fashion designer, graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Civil Engineering with a degree in architecture at the age of 23. At the All-Russian Contest of the best graduation works he received the Diploma of the first degree.
For five years he was teaching at the Department of Architecture of the Novosibirsk Institute of Civil Engineering. Then for three years he was in a graduate school in Moscow. Alas, the "realities" of the Soviet times did not allow him realize the planned scientific research in full, and he did not want to compromise with himself.
But later perestroika took place, and Nikolay realized that the old way of life that was collapsing right before his eyes would no longer be; on the contrary, absolutely new opportunities were opening up for creative people, the seekers who are capable of making their own decisions and actions in order to fulfil their potential. At that time Taydakov established the Decor company in Moscow, at the All-Russian Culture Foundation, which became literally one of the first private companies at the Ministry of Culture, dealing with the issues of Museum and Interior Design. He headed a team of up to 20 people, executed over 40 Contracts of architectural and artistic development of museum exhibitions and their implementation on site. (Moscow, Suzdal, Leningrad, Volokolamsk, Istra, Zvenigorod, Spas-Ugol, Taldom, Torzhok, Astrakhan, Vyazemy, Melikhovo...). Unwilling to make another compromise and engage in commercial projects (since 1991, funding of cultural facilities has significantly reduced), he closed his Moscow company.
In 1992, during his vacations in Europe, when he came to Munich, he signed a contract for work. First, in an architectural firm, and then there were contracts with various design studios; during the past 12 years, with design companies dealing with conceptual development and design modelling of the latest automobile pilot models and presentation ShowCars unique models. (VOLKE, BERTRANDT, UEDELHOFEN, SIEBENWURST, EDAG, AUDI, PROCEDA, CREATIVE Wave GmbH...).
Since 1993, he has been a member of the Association of Artists of Germany (BBK) and the International Association of Artists (IGBK). In 2004, he established a public organization of artists of Munich and Bavaria - EUROKUNSTWERKSTATT e.V..
In 2005, he opened his own company Taydakov’s KUNST Comptoir with an extensive list of tasks and projects. 
From 2006 to 2011 he owned the ART Galerie N. Taydakov & S. Volkov. A number of hotels in Berlin, Brussels, Antwerp and Munich have decorated their interiors with the works by the master...“

Alex Demy, 2011 Munich