About Sze Ming Li
2010 - 2014
Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
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Event: Making Books
Dates: 5 Nov 2017 - 17 Nov 2017
Addresses the problem of artist books displayed in the context of exhibitions. The show exhibits 5 photo books, the 5 participating artists entends the forms of their books, attempting to recreate the experience of flipping through a book in a white box.
A group of artists that are interested in photography, particularly photo-book. Although we work with very different subjects and with non- related methodology, in this exhibition, in collective, we attempt to re-imagine book in a white cube.
About my work - Traveling in Mountains, Kowloon 2017
Reading a long landscape in frames separated by continuous pages. It is extended, deconstructed and reorganized. There might be something previously undiscovered.
Different from the book, the photos shown in a panoramic format.
Event: Art Next Expo 2015
Dates: 28 Aug 2015 - 30 Aug 2015
Established in 2015, Art Next Expo is a unique platform that connects the next generation of talented artists with art professionals and collectors. Based in Hong Kong, It gives collectors an opportunity to access top quality works at affordable prices – a much desired alternative for new collectors who appreciate lower entry barriers, as well as experienced collectors who seek fresh talent with market potential.
Event: HKBU AVA Grad-Show 2014: Extension
Dates: 12 Jul 2014 - 31 Aug 2014
“HKBU AVA Grad-Show 2014: Extension” showcases works of more than twenty graduates. With diverse media, we bring freshness and positive vibes, putting together traditional and innovative ideas. Strangers to the Academy of Visual Arts can catch a glimpse of our graduation show. At the same time, this could be a chance for those who visited to review once again in our very first exhibition at K11 Art Mall.
Event: HKBU AVA Grad-Show 2014
Dates: 31 May 2014 - 30 Jun 2014
The annual graduation exhibition at the Academy of Visual Arts is to showcase and honor the creations, talents and efforts of these final year students. This year, we bring an eclectic collection of works of 102 graduates from various artistic disciplines.This year’s showcase offers an eclectic art that marries both traditional techniques with more innovative ways of expression, including painting, photography, installation art, ceramics and more.“AVA B.A. Grad-Show 2014” is held at Kai Tak Campus of Hong Kong Baptist University, a Grade-1 historic building that was formerly a Royal Air Force Officer’s Mess. Surrounded by nature and architectural uniqueness of its kind, the campus offers an idyllic atmosphere for students to demonstrate their creativity and achieve success in their artistic pursuits freely.
Traditional Chinese culture and the modern urban life in Hong Kong are the inspirations of my works. Through my lenses, brushes and collage, you may experience a world with new perspectives.
Repeating, flattening and reconstructing the cityscape and exploring the ink play in painting and photography are the main techniques I used in my photographic works.