About Suzette Datema
1995 - 1997
UNISA, South Africa
1975 - 1978
Denneoord College
Coffee Art Project
Brain Appeal
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Event: Chelsea Town Hall - Parallax
Dates: 21 Oct 2016 - 23 Oct 2016
21 -23 October 2016
Blog by Maxine Harris: There is a kind of quintessential charm found in Suzette’s paintings. The themes of her love for forests, houses human interaction are sipping through her charming and exquisite approach. She paints them with the sense of humour and with deliberate choice of the primary colours, red, blue and yellow (and their variants). Her artworks remind us of childhood.
Suzette’s paintings depict her chosen subject of the 'lost Britain,' “the way it used to be,” which has been popularised in programmes, such as Miss Marple, and The Last of the Summer Wine, showing British countryside, funny Britain, and simple Britain. We look at the past with rose-tinted spectacles and nostalgia-glistened thoughts; something is captured so easily by the mist and simplicity of Suzette’s paintings.