About Suren Nersisyan
2010 - 2012
Norhtern Illinois University
1999 - 2002
Armenian State Pedagogical University
1994 - 1999
Fine Arts Department at Armenian State PEdagogocal University
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Event: Affordable Art Fire
Dates: 10 Mar 2015 - 17 Mar 2015
Spring Art Fire in New York
Dates: 3 Nov 2009 - 25 Nov 2009
Event: Annual Republic Exhibition of young artists
Dates: 1 Nov 2009 - 19 Nov 2009
Group exhibition in Armenia, one of the biggest art events.
Dates: 15 Mar 2006 - 12 Apr 2006
Art teachers show was a show organized by Artist Union Of Russia, it is organized annually and has participants from all Easter European countries.
Suren Nersisyan is known professional, full time artist, painter, illustrator, teacher. His Professional Art Education Suren received in Fine Arts Faculty of Armenian State Pedagogical University. After his Master Degree in Fine Arts Suren started to illustrate books, paint on plain air and develop his own path in Fine Arts.
Suren is a child of nature and believes strongly that humans are part of it. His Artworks give us a joy of beauty. There is always a harmony of nature developed by shapes and colors. Difficult compositions, expressive language of brush strokes and colors are main methods of his art language. Inspired by Impressionism, Favousm and Post Impressionism Suren tries to express the world differently. Based on traditional art he tries to combine these styles together with more poetic accent of colors.
Dynamic synthesis of Occidental and Oriental arts became a unique language of his artworks.
He works mainly with oils, watercolors. His works are in many collections in France, USA, Russia, Germany, China, Singapour. He also did many illustrations for books, class books, worked with movie companies such as Warner Brothers etc. Many of his illustrations are licensed by different designing companies.