Steven Page Prewitt

Joined Artfinder: Jan. 2021

Artworks for sale: 345


United States

Updates from Steven Page Prewitt's studio

  • Inspiration

    22 January 2022

    Inspiration 2

    22 January 2022

    Saturday in the Studio

    This is my first attempt at recording my painting. It’s an unedited, short representation of the process I go through to reach a finished piece of work. Hope you enjoy!

    15 January 2022

    My studio

    My studio

    Several years ago, I was inspired to design and build a studio at my house. I had an amazing time running heavy equipment, excavating and learning all aspects of building. It was a labor of love that produced a wonderful space for me to create my art. It was a dream come true!

    02 January 2022



    I take many photos in nature to draw inspiration for my paintings. Living in the woods in the mountains, I see beauty all around me.

    02 January 2022

    In my studio

    In my studio

    I generally have multiple paintings in process at the same time. As they are drying, I move on to the others. If you look closely, you might see me squinting. That’s how I “see” best when I paint. I also walk to the back of the room and flip the paintings frequently to see all perspectives.

    02 January 2022

    In the studio

    In the studio

    11 January 2021