About Som Datta
2007 - 2014
School of Social Sciences, JNU
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Painting was my first love since childhood. My childhood story books were my first canvases, on which I doodled to my heart’s content. After my school days I had to leave painting for a very long time to pursue a career in a completely different field.
I came back to painting after a long time. It gradually became the medium to meditate for me. I consider myself largely as a figurative painter. Emotions and expressions are the subjects of my paintings.
As an artist, my weakness is my strength. My lack of formal training pushes me to find my own way. I work with oil, acrylic, graphite and charcoal, all of which inspire and challenge me in some ways or others. But I am still experimenting with new mediums and I think in future I will be able to work with and love more of them.