About Maria Barkovskaya
2007 - 2008
Workshops at the museum of modern art (MMOMA)
2003 - 2009
Moscow State University of Land Management, the Faculty of Architecture.
Golden hands of Russia
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Event: Personal exhibition
Dates: 1 Dec 2017 - 14 Dec 2017
A personal exhibition of a young Moscow artist and designer Maria Barkovskaya has opened in the capital's parliament. It presents two series of works: "Russian traditions and rituals" and "Paintings made on boards made of precious wood, primed according to an old recipe".
Member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, member of the International Federation of Watercolorists Maria Barkovskaya:
"Today I would single out two main directions of my creativity, which cause me great interest and genuine joy. This is the theme of searching for roots and original meanings in Russian culture, love for traditions. The search for a new color, new means of expressing the original Russian folk soul through painting. With their help, the memory of the past and the origins of the people is awakened.