About Silja Salmistu
1989 - 1994
Tartu University
1982 - 1986
Tartu Art School
1st prize
1st prize
3rd prize
1st prize
2nd prize
Best of Get Dusty 2019
1st prize
2nd prize
Winner of The 18th Annual Pastel 100 Competition
There are no upcoming events
Silja Salmistu is Estonian artist living in Denmark. Since 2016, she is dedicated to soft pastels, with still life as the main subject.
She earned a MFA equivalent degree in painting from Tartu University in 1994
Salmistu loves to paint from life, to share the room and time with her objects. She closely observes them and interprates the visual perception, with special focus on light.
Salmistu has exhibited in numerous juried, curated, group and solo shows since 1997 in Europe, the USA, China and online. She is a multiple award and competition winner. Her art has been featured in several international and national art publications.
In 2021, she qualified for Signature member of Pastel Society of America and received the Master Circle designation with the International Association of Pastel Societies. She is also a member of Pastel Guild of Europa.Facebook: bySalmik
Instagram: siljasalmistuart
While the world is speeding up and making ever more noise, one may need to find a foothold to keep a balance, to retreat, to take a break.
This is what my art is about. Painting still life, a silent existence of ordinary things, fruits and flowers, is a meditative process.
I observe light in a room bouncing around the objects, causing colours to appear and interact. It takes and gives a peace of mind.
I work from life, in silence.
I like to have immediate contact with the objects in front of me, to share the room with them.
I aim to achieve a subtle sensation of movement in the picture space, to give the viewers a feeling of being present and breathe in it.