Sheri Gee

Joined Artfinder: Dec. 2013

Artworks for sale: 96


United Kingdom

Updates from Sheri Gee's studio

  • Portraits for NHS Heroes

    Portraits for NHS Heroes

    Over the last week and a bit I’ve been working on a portrait of a staff nurse at BVH Blackpool who contacted me after the #portraitsfornhsheroes shout out on social media. Hundreds of artists and NHS workers have been paired, offering a free portrait to the first contact. When I got the photo through I was really excited to rise to the challenge, in the painting of latex, plastic, reflections! A lot of really great challenges to push the little grey matter.

    14 May 2020

    Using technology to see more clearly

    Using technology to see more clearly

    When you're making art and really absorbed in a piece, it's easy to become blind to what you're doing. It's important to take breaks, to come back to the piece with fresh eyes. Some artists chose to look at their piece in a mirror to see it afresh, some turn their work upside down. These tricks can show you obvious errors that you weren't aware of at the easel. I like to use my phone to take dozens of in progress shots - seeing the image smaller, on my phone, helps me get distance from the work. Also, when I'm away from the studio I can look back at the piece and sometimes have a eureka moment as to what needs to be worked on when I'm next at the easel. Here's a screen shot of a series of work in progress photos of a portrait commission I was working on. It's an especially helpful process when I'm working on a portrait - making sure I get a true likeness to the subject.

    27 February 2020

    Painting with Tim Benson

    Painting with Tim Benson

    Recently I was fortunate to spend two days on a portrait painting workshop, taught by the amazing Tim Benson. Tim has a distinctive style, painting with thick marks, with brushes fully charged with luscious oil paint, faces often filling the entire canvas. The course very much honed in on Tim’s style and way of working. The first day we produced three portraits – two in the morning, taking around an hour each, and one larger piece in the afternoon – with each portrait filling the canvas. It was a challenge using a very wide brush, and only one brush (Tim was very strict about that), so we were constantly wiping paint off the brush between colours. The following day we were to paint the same pose all day. All pieces were painted with only Burnt Umber, French Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Lemon Yellow and Titanium White. Here is my 2 hour pose, Bethany Resting.

    04 November 2017

    Townscape 2016: Reframing Local History

    Townscape 2016: Reframing Local History

    Recently I've been busy creating work for a new group exhibition, currently on display at East Grinstead Museum. Each artist in the group had to base their work on a museum artefact. I chose a fabulous vintage cross stitch sampler, made by a school girl in 1878. Choosing a girl from the same school as my model, I created five stitch based pieces. Super excited that the large painting sold on the opening night! See more of the project on my website. Here is a photo of me by my work at the private view.

    23 June 2016

    Raindrops keep falling on my head...

    Raindrops keep falling on my head...

    Here I am, hard at work painting on my commuter rain series - a series that developed from one submission to a charity auction in early 2015, which captured my enthusiasm so much that it now numbers fourteen! (and will be set to rise). To view the full series, please go to my website here:

    31 March 2016

    At Work

    At Work

    I mostly paint in oil on canvas, standing at my easel. I love the freedom you get standing up at the easel, the ability to move about, to see if the piece works from a distance and close to.

    22 July 2014

    Hanging my Townscape portrait project

    Hanging my Townscape portrait project

    My most recent exhibition, on until 30 November 2014, forms part of an art trail in East Grinstead, West Sussex, entitled Townscape. We have 13 artists with work in 15 venues for 6 months. For my project, I painted eight portraits of local people, each with an interesting back story. Each portrait was painted from photographs, in oil on canvas. If you're in the area, do come visit! There's even a prize draw for a portrait commission, for entries by 31 August. See here for more info:

    22 July 2014