About Seth Feriano
2008 - 2011
University of New Mexico
1998 - 2002
Savannah College of Art and Design
First Place in Painting
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Event: Juried Members Spring Show
Dates: 21 May 2023 - 22 Jun 2023
1st place painting award for "7 Train"
Curator: J.Jordan Bruns
Event: Regional Painting Competition
Dates: 29 Jul 2021 - 22 Aug 2021
Seth’s new painting, Dinosaur is part of the exhibit “Regional Painting Competition,” July 23 – August 22, Torpedo Factory Artists @ Mosaic, 2905 District Avenue, #105, Fairfax, Virginia. Reception and juror’s talk: July 29, 2021, 6:30 – 8:30pm
Artist Statement:
I make artwork out of necessity, it’s a way for me to work through everyday life. My process is a constantly evolving one, using the tools I have until a concept is fully realized. My artwork is usually theme based and I think in terms of a series when exploring new ideas. I mainly paint, but I also construct 3 dimensional figures in construction paper and produce short art films to express myself.
My artwork is light-hearted in nature, I tend to focus on things that make me happy. I enjoy imagining places when creating artwork, places to escape to when everyday life is just too loud. My hope is that my works will resonate with you in some small way.