About Serhiy Roy
1981 - 1986
Kharkov Institute of Art and Design
www.artavita.com Honorable Mention awarded
Curator: Despina Tunberg
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Event: Art Revolution Taipei, A.R.T. 2018
Dates: 18 May 2018 - 21 May 2018
“Art is not just about culture but also education and cultivation, and therefore, it should go beyond the quest for mere commercial gains.” To uphold this creed, Art Revolution Taipei (A.R.T.), an international art fair organized by Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association, made its debut in 2011. Different from the conventional art shows organized around commercial galleries, A.R.T. places the artist front and center, with every booth standing as the artist’s solo exhibition. This pioneering curatorial vision has led A.R.T. to become Asia’s ionic art fair.
Event: Looking of the spirit
Dates: 20 Apr 2018 - 23 May 2018
An exhibition of paintings and graphics by two artists-authors, father and daughter, Sergei and Elizabeth Roy. The name of the exhibition "Sights of the soul." The spirit of creativity, which unites the two authors, directs them to unity in one exhibition.
Dates: 5 May 2017 - 2 Jul 2017
Lieber Künstler/innen,
wir bedanken uns herzlich für eure Bewerbungen. Leider können wir nicht alle Bewerber/innen nehmen und müssen eine Entscheidung treffen.
Wir möchten mitteilen, wen unser Team für die Ausstellung ARTGESCHOSS 2017 ausgewählt hat. Wir freuen uns sehr, eure Kunswerke in Salzgitter-Bad präsentieren zu dürfen und hoffen, dass die Ausstellung für euch sehr erfolgreich sein wird.
Wir werden uns demnächst mit euch in Verbindung setzen, um die Auswahl eurer Kunstwerke zu treffen. Außerdem bekommt ihr einen Vertrag für die Ausstellung ARTGESCHOSS 2017.
Judith Affolter
Nana Bastrup & Matvey Slavin
Arthur Bohusch
Pavel Ehrlich
Matthias Galvez
Susanne Helmet
Kerstin Himmler
Andrea Imwiehe
Martin Koroscha
Thora Kraft
Anna Krasnaya
Bettina Lüdecke
Tanya Mutig
Klaus Müller
Maria Naidyonova
Gerd Paulicke
Francisco Perez
Sergiy Roy
Robert Schmidt-Matt
Melanie Schöckel
Constantin Schr
Event: Ukrainian modern surrealism
Dates: 2 Dec 2016 - 12 Dec 2016
This exhibition will feature works of contemporary Ukrainian artists whose art works according to the curator of the exhibition, Anatoly Antonov, may be attributable to that direction in art as Surrealism. This proves the fact that surrealism is one of the most popular trends in modern art.
Event: International exhibition
Dates: 31 Mar 2016 - 24 Jun 2016
International exhibition-contest in Berlin as a result of the selection of works by artists from different countries.