About Sergiy Dekalyuk
2004 - 2010
Lviv National Academy of Arts
Diploma of the laureate of the 4th International Landscape Exhibition "A.I. Kuindzhi Memorial"
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Event: Donate to donors
Dates: 7 Nov 2023 - 28 Nov 2024
In today's conditions, we Ukrainians have one goal - victory. Sincerity and love are a significant contribution to the victory, which we will certainly win. But this is not enough. We must continue to be donors. Those who give, those who know how to give and receive, people of light, not darkness, that is, the complete opposite of parasites.
People, in addition to their birthday, have another important day. The day when each of us will understand our purpose: who we are, and have we chosen the right path for ourselves? In this series of works, I use painting to reflect on the components of the answer to these complex, multifaceted questions. And actually, while the time for reflection is flowing, we should exchange positive energy, learn, and show love to encourage those who are at the beginning of their development.
Event: Almost spring
Dates: 14 Feb 2023 - 12 Mar 2023
As Serhii says: “Every time I worked, I assured myself that people in my country had changed, become better, stronger, and became ready for anything for the sake of victory. Works that were created during a period loaded with difficult events are united by the belief in victory. In the spring, which will surely come.
It would be unfair on my part to paint a picture of war, because I am in a relatively quiet place and, fortunately, I did not hear anything more terrible than air raid sirens. I set myself the task of creating at least one work per a week. At the heart of my abstract creativity is a reference to people – to be free. In my opinion, everyone knows how to do it – you need to renounce “yesterday’s self” and move forward.
My canvases have large formats, smooth lines, and bright spots. It is written in an expressive manner on a canvas that is not completely painted and “
Event: Olympic calm
Dates: 5 Feb 2020 - 1 Mar 2020
The project describes people who inspire me in something
Event: Large shape color
Dates: 18 Jun 2019 - 17 Jul 2019
In my works, I seek personal visual language at the border between figurative and abstraction. Going beyond the visible, I try to find new possibilities of space, to explore the primacy of forms and their synthesis. I consider chaos as one way of balance, but the process of creation is based on simplification and generalization. So I'm constantly looking for the connection between color, shape, line in space and reproduce it in an abstract form that opens up endless possibilities for communication through exploration of the outside world. Abstract works remind us of the existence of another world where, in addition to rational materialism, there is a place for the unknown and the unknown. Here each person sees their own projections, something different and in this its advantage.
Event: “Joy and sadness”
Dates: 12 Oct 2018 - 2 Nov 2018
An exhibition about the values of Ukrainians in the present (Gallery “Bunkermuz”, Ternopil)
Event: Flow of Time
Dates: 6 Apr 2017 - 3 May 2017
The exhibition entitled "Flow of Time" combines three spheres of artists. Sergey Dekalyuk focuses on important mytyah and sincere emotions. Characters of his works appear ordinary people, "Creating these positive images, I am your own blog, keeping cloths in a moment of joy and goodness. And it is to be a witness of something good, but at the same time simple, it gives me optimism. In my works I rejected all the excess, leaving only a moment of beauty. I want people to also pay attention to the simple things, "- said the artist.
In particular, the exhibition shows works Miroslava Bachkur. Artist focuses on the result, stating his putting before the fact.
Artist Vadim Panchenko portrayed in his work time trying to convey everyday experiences and feelings, to give meaning quite common events and moments, "point - this is what makes our life pleasant infantile part, or the pursuit of a dove or a ray of sunshine in way to school "- shared Vadim Panchenko.
Event: Essential
Dates: 3 Mar 2017 - 17 Mar 2017
The "Essential" - a kind of desire to attract the attention of the viewer to look around. Artists seek to make themselves and the audience to wonder who he was and where? and reflect on the painting using elements of the answers to these complex, ambiguous and multi-issue.