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Event: Personal Exibition
Dates: 13 Jan 2015 - 23 Jan 2015
In SkaSka Art Center (Goa, India)
Event: Personal Exibition
Dates: 5 Jun 2014 - 5 Jul 2014
Personal Exibition in Pittalew Art Gallery (Pai, Thailand)
I started doing art in 1999, since that I worked as an illustrator for independent media (magazine Egoist Generation printed my illustrations since 2005). I worked as a designer, art director, creative director in advertising agencies and private companies, but the digital genre was not able to attract me, I was keenly aware of the immateriality of digital art, and as a consequence - impossibility to capture my feelings for cenuries.
In 2009, I once again went to travel to Asia and from this moment became an Artist-Wanderer. I visited Egypt, Jordan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia. In 2015, I moved to Montenegro.
Every country, every culture I dive in, both repels and attracts me with its power and unpredictability. Here it is - the rush, the impression, inspires me to create paintings in which I reflect my vision of beauty. For me, art - it is always a mood, a living process right now, as I stand at the top or in the valley, on the shore, in the shade of the trees or in the scorching sun, holding a brush. Particularly strong states arise in the interaction with a real person, with a model. It is this flow of life I conduct through myself, because I believe that the viewer sees in my paintings much more than a shape or a color, he feel my condition. This condition is impossibe to forge, it is divine.