About Saroja van der Stegen
1977 - 1978
Academy of fine arts, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Dutch television for an educational program about art
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Event: Foyer Exhibition in culturehouse "Altes Rathaus"
Dates: 1 Sep 2010 - 28 Feb 2011
Foyer Exhibition in culturehouse "Altes Rathaus"
September 2010 - Februari 2011
Event: A source of Harmony
Dates: 1 Feb 2010 - 30 Sep 2010
Art promotion of the mayor of the town wuerselen
Exhibition of Oil paintings of Saroja in the mayor's office, Wuerselen, townregion Aachen, Germany.
Event: Exhibition of Oil Paintings of Saroja,
Dates: 14 Sep 2008 - 30 Oct 2008
Inauguration 14 September, 2008 at 5 pm
Tel: 283 925 032; Fax: 283 925 032
HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9 am - 7 pm
Event: "Sopa dos Artistas" Odemira Artist Group
Dates: 30 Aug 2008 - 30 Sep 2008
Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures, Juwelery and design.
Inauguration 30 aug 2008 at 5 pm
artistgroup: Alexandre Bastos, Alexandra Neves, Dorin Durbala, Gonçalo Condeixa, Inga Geckeler, Mathias Gomez, Otto Taufkirch, Raquel Ventura, Rita Morais, Saroja Van der Stegen, Tabea Wimmer, Thomas Wimmer, Vasco Tavares da Silva e Willem Hupje
Event: Oil Paintings by Saroja
Dates: 17 Apr 2008 - 6 May 2008
Tel: +34 971535155
HOURS: open Mo - Fr from 9 am to 4 pm
Event: Saroja
Dates: 2 May 1998 - 30 May 1998
TEL. 91 319 6972 - FAX 91 308 4635
HOURS: Tuesday through Saturday: 10am - 2 pm / 5pm - 9 pm
SAROJA...(Saroja van der Stegen. Venlo, 1956 - Holland) confesses to being drawn to the colour and warmth of the Mediterranean and after travelling and living in many different countries, has settled in Pollensa - Majorca in 1992. Her studio is alive with canvases of chromatic intensity and variety. Although her work is abstract, in her paintings one can perceive, like a distant echo, the landscapes and objects that Saroja synthesises with the firm and yet subtle stroke of the spatula. She unites intensity of colour with a rich range of hues which make her a continuing force - and heiress - of what has come to be called "Escuela Mallorquina".
Her work is on exhibit in Madrid for the first time, after a wide variety of exhibitions in Majorca during the last few years...
article: http://www.sarojasart.com/index.php?pag=resume&sub=article&l=en&art_id=7
As long as I remember I have been interested in art, in drawing and colouring. After a lot of traveling and life experiences I started full time painting in India in 1988 with oil paint and the pallet-knife experimenting with colours in abstract mostly canvas paintings who often turn out as landscapes, seascapes, clouds or cosmic vibrations. Some are very vibrant, emotional, with strong colours, others are just very quiet monochromes with shades of one tone, all creating a certain feeling or atmosphere.
Being as well a musician it is in my art like in music expressing inner emotion without representing the real world. Many of my paintings are a dream world, the world I would love to live in. A memory of ancient prehistoric times,
I have had exhibitions in many different countries like India, France, Holland, Germany, USA, Australia, Spain and Portugal.
My paintings are with collectors in India, France, Holland, North Korea, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Australia, USA, UK, Norway, Spain and Portugal.