About Elena Sanina
-Exhibition "Horopod" Vronej,House of Architects, March 2024
-Exhibition of the art group "Twelve", House of Architects, Voronezh,2023
Exhibition «Women’s path in art. At the crossroads of traditions and identity»
-Center of Fine Arts (Lipetsk)
Participation in art projects
- the first international online exhibition "Strokes of Harmony" 2021 from IWS California
-The third exhibition of Russian watercolorists in Moscow February 2021
Participation in art projects
- Winner of the open regional professional competition-exhibition of artistic creativity " Self-isolation -2020
- winner of the international art flash mob "The World I Love"
Participation in art projects
- winner of the All-Russian environmental competition " Creating, do not destroy!", held by the Darwin State Museum and the Presidential Grants Fund 2018
- winner of the city creative competition "Favorite Voronezh" in the category "painting" 2018
There are no upcoming events
Painting for me is an opportunity to admire and share the diversity of our world.
I am fascinated by the idea of being the guide to everything beautiful. I want to transfer everything to the canvas: the tenderness of the evening, the serene face of a sleeping child, the subtlety and vulnerability of flowers, wet March snow. I want people to feel the beauty and fleetingness of the moment, the completeness of everything that exists . I wish they create and live consciously every moment.
Depending on the story that captured me, I work in different techniques - watercolor, oil, pastel ... And in different genres - landscape, still life, portrait.
I work a lot in the open air, I write mostly with oil, but my passion is capricious watercolor, it reveals me depths and the shades of a human soul and teaches me to be surprised!
I teach the basics of fine arts for children, this process gives me a fresh and unexpected look at many familiar things, which is very valuable for a creative person.