About Ruth Cowell
1970 - 1971
L'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Montpellier,France
1967 - 1970
Wimbledon School of Art
1966 - 1967
Goldsmiths School of Art
Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Award
BA in Fine Art (Hons)
French Government Scholarship
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Event: South East Open Studios
Dates: 5 Jun 2015 - 21 Jun 2015
Exhibiting at Ballards End, Goudhurst, Kent with five other artists as part of the South East Open Studios scheme.
Further details are at www.seos-art.org
Influences on my work range from seventeenth century Spanish still life , Gustav Klimt, Edward Hopper and David Hockney. My paintings take a long time to produce, I build the colours up in thin layers of oil paint, subtly blending where necessary and never being afraid to change something if the composition is not working. I do hope you enjoy looking at my work as much as I've enjoyed creating it.