Ruta UM

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Joined Artfinder: July 2016

Artworks for sale: 11



About Ruta UM

  • Biography
    Ruta UM – “when I was 13 years old, my mum gave my best present I ever got – t-shirts from second hand shop with Vincent van Gogh “Sunflowers” print on it. From that moment I realized that art is something more than just painting, or music is something more than song – it has something BIG inside that everyone feels or is touched by their one way. I still feel big love for Vincent van Gogh art and even can say that he is my favorite artist. I started to paint then I was a child, in 2012 I graduated Vilnius J. Vienozinskis art school. Now my passion is land art and portraits painting.”
  • Links
  • Education

    2008 - 2012

    Vilnius Vienozinskis art school

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: "U trumpoji" - exhibition in Utena

    Dates: 1 Jun 2017 - 30 Jun 2017

    Venue: A. and M. Miskiniai public library, Maironio st. 12, Utena

    Cozy, united artists 4th exhibition in Utena.
    Participants: Anna Dan, Birute Valiukiene, Aurelija Filipauskyte, Egle Selevi, Egle Stripeikiene, Gabrielius Mackevicius, Kirill Scherbak, Domantė Olekaite-Vaiciene, Vilija Jociene, Ruta UM, Sigita Lukosiuniene, Sigita Jakutyte, Ruta Burbule, Jura Audrone-Vaskeviciute.

    Event: "City vibrations" - second united exhibition

    Dates: 28 Sep 2016 - 18 Oct 2016

    Venue: K29 business centre, Konstitucijos av. 29, Vilnius

    Second united artists exhibition - "City vibrations" is took place in fancy, new business centre K29 (Konstitucijos pr. 29, Vilnius)!
    So, this time, we decided to try new and inovated enviroment and, of course, to reach whose people who are not going to galleries, to show them how big impact of artworks energy and vibrations can be in daily life places - offices, business centres.

    Event: OnlyArt : pirmoji (OnlyArt : first)

    Dates: 4 Aug 2016 - 22 Aug 2016

    Venue: Technical museum, Rinktinės st. 2, Vilnius

    This is first united artists exhibition in very interesting place - technical museum!

    Event: Mills of thoughts

    Dates: 4 May 2016 - 20 May 2016

    Venue: Wind mill, Piliakalnio st. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania

    This was allready third exhibition of painters group "AUDEJAI":
    After finishing Vilnius J. Vienozinskio art school a group of passionate artist decided to stay together, rent a studio and PAINT. So, from 2012 we formed "AUDEJAI" group of painters.
    This year for a long time we were thinking about place/gallery/space where to exhibit our 3rd exhibition. Friend of mine sugested windmill, but I was skeptical about that place - paintings need big spece, white walls, good location. BUT afterall we decide to try. Exhibition exceeded our expectations - paintings looked completelly different, organic and natural on wooden walls.
    Sometimes you just have try and see (what will happen) :)



2008 - 2012

Vilnius Vienozinskis art school

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: "U trumpoji" - exhibition in Utena

Dates: 1 Jun 2017 - 30 Jun 2017

Venue: A. and M. Miskiniai public library, Maironio st. 12, Utena

Cozy, united artists 4th exhibition in Utena.
Participants: Anna Dan, Birute Valiukiene, Aurelija Filipauskyte, Egle Selevi, Egle Stripeikiene, Gabrielius Mackevicius, Kirill Scherbak, Domantė Olekaite-Vaiciene, Vilija Jociene, Ruta UM, Sigita Lukosiuniene, Sigita Jakutyte, Ruta Burbule, Jura Audrone-Vaskeviciute.

Event: "City vibrations" - second united exhibition

Dates: 28 Sep 2016 - 18 Oct 2016

Venue: K29 business centre, Konstitucijos av. 29, Vilnius

Second united artists exhibition - "City vibrations" is took place in fancy, new business centre K29 (Konstitucijos pr. 29, Vilnius)!
So, this time, we decided to try new and inovated enviroment and, of course, to reach whose people who are not going to galleries, to show them how big impact of artworks energy and vibrations can be in daily life places - offices, business centres.

Event: OnlyArt : pirmoji (OnlyArt : first)

Dates: 4 Aug 2016 - 22 Aug 2016

Venue: Technical museum, Rinktinės st. 2, Vilnius

This is first united artists exhibition in very interesting place - technical museum!

Event: Mills of thoughts

Dates: 4 May 2016 - 20 May 2016

Venue: Wind mill, Piliakalnio st. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania

This was allready third exhibition of painters group "AUDEJAI":
After finishing Vilnius J. Vienozinskio art school a group of passionate artist decided to stay together, rent a studio and PAINT. So, from 2012 we formed "AUDEJAI" group of painters.
This year for a long time we were thinking about place/gallery/space where to exhibit our 3rd exhibition. Friend of mine sugested windmill, but I was skeptical about that place - paintings need big spece, white walls, good location. BUT afterall we decide to try. Exhibition exceeded our expectations - paintings looked completelly different, organic and natural on wooden walls.
Sometimes you just have try and see (what will happen) :)



Ruta UM – “when I was 13 years old, my mum gave my best present I ever got – t-shirts from second hand shop with Vincent van Gogh “Sunflowers” print on it. From that moment I realized that art is something more than just painting, or music is something more than song – it has something BIG inside that everyone feels or is touched by their one way. I still feel big love for Vincent van Gogh art and even can say that he is my favorite artist. I started to paint then I was a child, in 2012 I graduated Vilnius J. Vienozinskis art school. Now my passion is land art and portraits painting.”