About Roz Edwards
1976 - 1979
Southampton university
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Event: Ilminster Open Art Exhibition
Dates: 20 Jul 2021 - 13 Aug 2021
My tree and wildflower paintings on display.
Event: Autumn Art Fair, The Landmark, London
Dates: 13 Oct 2017 - 15 Oct 2017
I shall be here, on Stand 52
Event: Sherborne Art Exhibition
Dates: 21 Apr 2017 - 23 Apr 2017
Local art exhibition. I have 4 paintings up for sale, and greetings cards
Event: Society of Floral Painters Exhibition
Dates: 25 May 2016 - 12 Jun 2016
I am exhibiting a selection of my framed floral paintings at this annual exhibition.
Event: Greenfingers Charity Flower Power Art Challenge
Dates: 5 May 2016 - 8 May 2016
This is a fundraising Art exhibition for a children's charity. All the paintings are on a floral theme. There will be amateur and professional artists exhibiting. Plus a few celebrities adding some paintings too! The private view is on Thursday 5th May.
Event: Kennaway House, Sidmouth , Devon
Dates: 29 Apr 2016 - 6 May 2016
I am showing 5 paintings here. A selection of wildlife and floral art. These are framed paintings.
Event: Reading Contemporary Art fair
Dates: 22 Apr 2016 - 24 Apr 2016
Find me on Stand 90. Selling a range of contemporary Floral art .. plus cards and prints. Also a few non floral pieces too. Framed paintings and some canvases.
I am an artist living in SW England, who loves to paint bright bold colourful paintings.
I love painting contemporary floral art, and was a full member of the Society of Floral Painters, until the society closed.
I also paint trees, landscapes and a few wildlife paintings. I also produce a wide range of varied, detailed textured abstracts !
There is a huge contrast between my floral. wildlife and landscape work to my textured abstracts. However it is the difference that I enjoy so much!! Producing work in a different way keeps my art interesting and alive. I never get bored with my work. I can produce paintings that match my mood for the day I am working on them. Sometimes I feel like doing tiny careful accurate detail. Sometimes I feel like doing non representational abstracts where I can simply enjoy the colours, paint qualities, textures and patterns for their own sake.
Whatever the subject matter, my work is characterized by lots of detail and bright colours. I love pattern and negative shapes. I also love textures. I usually work in an impressionistic style with many layers of paint built up in dots and dabs, until I get the required look I am after. It takes a lot of time to create my paintings due to the levels of detail involved. I usually have about ten paintings on the go at any time, and just do bits of each until they are completed. Sometimes I have a favourite for a while which gets all my attention though!!
I work in acrylic. Sometimes on canvas and sometimes as framed paintings. I also sell my work as mounted ( unframed) originals which makes them easier to post, and allows the buyer to choose a suitable frame.
I have spent my entire career with Art. I was an Art teacher ( 11 to 18 year olds ) for many ( very many!) years. I also taught Photography, Ceramics and Art Textiles. I describe myself as a very creative and practical person. I am at my happiest when I am doing something artistic. I left teaching to become a full time professional Artist. This was always my plan to do this, when the time was right. I have a studio built on the side of my house overlooking the back garden, It is a lovely place to work.
I have many artistic influences from the Impressionists to Aboriginal art.
I use my own photographs as inspiration. I love to travel, and look for ideas for my paintings wherever I go.
I exhibit in galleries, art fairs and exhibitions, mainly in the south and south west of England.