About Rosen Donchev
Painting is like breathing for me, I can not exist without breathing. My paintings are a real process that express my fictional inner spaces. My art is an absolute honesty to myself and to the others. It is a path toward the inside where the pure core lies .
Each creative work of mine is an attempt to penetrate beyond reality. Only a true creation is capable to go further, to actually go beyond that reality. This is why a true art piece has the power to reveal something new and unnoticed before each time we look at it.
The magic of painting for me is hidden into the improvisation, in the very process of doing. For there is a magic in trying to catch and to show the real meaning of things.
I dream paintings. Sometimes I even succeed to actually paint them. As a genuine artist I believe I have the fantastic right to transpose things into space and time, to change those things and that time. At least I try…
Being a regular person I am not always in harmony with myself. But painting makes me happy. What more should I ask for? I am a happy man!