Updates from Olga Rokhmanyuk | ROArtUS's studio
Times Square, New York

Group exhibition "All Media Show January-February" organized by "ART WORKS"

Artworks Gallery posted my 8 paintings on its walls.

In my art studio
Group exhibition "All Media show August-September" organized by "ART WORKS"

Here is the part of my work which is to record the sale of my paintings at the exhibition.

This is the part of my work where I answer questions from collectors at the exhibition.

Part of my work, where I present myself and a painting at an exhibition.

That part of my work where you can see my selected works and my thoughts on the topic given by the magazine.

This is the part of my work where I mention in the art magazine.

June 18, 2023 - Artist Interview with Olga Rokhmanyuk, Artwork Gallery,